High but slow rising hcg success stories

High but slow rising hcg success stories. I just learned that the second beta on 12dp5dt came back as 132. I'm currently 6 plus weeks. Jun 13, 2017 · Low hCG levels are normal at the start of pregnancy, but should double every 48 to 72 hours for the first seven to eight weeks of pregnancy. HCG result came back at 4942. Hey everyone, I took a pregnancy test 2 weeks after my period, so technically around the time I would have been ovulating. Beta #2 on 12dp5dt: 333 (close to doubling but not quite). Long story short, I am 8 weeks pregnant. 5 weeks/16dp6dt HCG 800 5+5 weeks/21dp6dt HCG 4208 6+3 weeks/26dp6dt HCG 8267 I’ve gone through 5 previous FETs resulting in 2 missed miscarriages, 1 early miscarriage and 1 live birth. I was hoping for more like 90. 4 hours or 2. May 08, 2024 | by Firsttimemom07-2021. They're still really faint (I'm 14DPO today). Dec 29, 2023 · Importance of hCG in pregnancy. My RE is telling me that this ultrasound is a really good sign and that things are looking good, but my research suggests that even given today's Apr 15, 2013 · Thank you so much for your response. The next week on 12/27 it was 1055, and then on 12/29 slowed way down to 1500. The rise is very slow and I’ve been asked to do another test on Wednesday. The pregnancy line was so faint that I asked for HCG levels test. I’m currently LMP 8 weeks 1 day and my most recent blood test level came back at 9,000. I am 5 weeks today. She said to keep hope and test again next week in hopes to get an ultrasound. Dec 4, 2014 · Slow Rising HcG. My numbers increased 63% in just under 72 hours. Enter Beta hell. I have no symptoms of MC or any bleeding. My HCG was only 13. Ask them to check your progesterone levels. Fx for good numbers on Wednesday! I agree hon a 63% increase is great. 89 Discussions. I have had 3 U/S which showed the following. The threshold for HCG changes for everyone and I have been told that the doctors just look for the doubling and increasing. Jessica • Sat, Jan 20. No yolk or fetal pole detected. April 2014. It was 2241 on the 29th of January, so I was expecting it to be closer to 100,000 by my first OB visit on the 19th of February. Am remaining positive though as if my betas were to be doubling at the 48 hour rate, it should have been around 54 on Sun 26th Jan, 102 on Tue 28th and hopefully over 200 by Thu 30th which is tomorrow so I was silly to test today! Oct 13, 2020 · My hcg also have risen only by 50% in 72 hours (or 31% in 48 hours), from 2000 to 3000 now but doctor is worried about slow rise. 1 at 5 weeks then a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks. Nov 23, 2013 · Just a little update to say my test line was noticeably darker today but I'm still showing 1-2 weeks on CBD at 5+1 weeks. ADD A COMMENT. Your numbers say it’s a 50% increase. (every 2 days) That means it's only increasing about 37-39% every 48 hours and taking up to around 100plus Jan 3, 2015 · p. 4+6 - 237. And to add to your point… in 2 of 4 of my ectopics my hcg rose “normally” (one went to 11000 one went to ~6000) doubling wise but was still considered low for the gestation. We started at 95 10dp5 day transfer. Dear all, I came here looking for some hope. After no fetus was located on ultrasound, the doctor I met with let me know with the low and decreasing HCG that I likely had a blighted ovum, to prepare for miscarriage and basically wiped her hands clean of me. @Missa0635, Jun 17, 2022 · I'm not having any bleeding or discomforts. The second and last test there was a 53% rise in 52hrs! I couldnt believe it. . At 6w2d 6991, had an ultrasound which showed an intrauterine pregnancy measuring 5. Slow-rising hcg success stories?! I had a mmc in November with hcg dropping so I’m just super nervous this time around. On 5/16 (4w1d) HCG was 899. Mar 31, 2021 · Slow rising HCG, not ectopic. Went in today and too early to see anything on an ultrasound. So girls I found out I was pregnant on January 5th (how amazing) with our first baby. Patsfan74. My hcg numbers are rising but not doubling and my progesterone is 6. Based on my research miscarriage chances are high but I've also seen some success stories. I'm not feeling too positive about it. I had my first ivf transfer. I am just about 7 weeks now and STILL having hcg trouble. 5 weeks Slow rising beta hcg *UPDATE*. The first two test there was only 27% rise in 4 days. My HCG levels are slowly rising, not doubling. Not even close to a 60% increase in 48 hrs even. After doing some reading, I saw that there have been cases where it’ll just pick up. Had our first scan at 6+1 and was expecting them to say it was either another ectopic or a blighted ovum. Our HCG levels never got really high, but all of our scans have been normal. On 5/26 (6w1d) HCG was 12,646. Week 6 2 days- saw baby with a heartbeat of 97Week 6 3 days- HCG was 30128Week 7 0 days HCG was only 35712That’s 96 hours only rising around 5,000Anyone have success stories of only rising that little? Mar 24, 2015 · 0. Admitted to emergency hospital same day with severe cramps, laparoscopy done for suspected ectopic. They started monitoring it just when I hit 5 weeks and it has never doubled. Mar 24, 2015. followed up 41 hours (21dpt) later and Beta was 3418. So went from 107 to 97. 10/22/21 14dpo Beta 1 - 25. 6 and today 200. Feb 27, 2018 · My first HCG result was 3438 at 5 weeks. Should be in the region of 5000+ at this point. Oct 21, 2020 · Hang in please; low beta rollercoaster is awful waiting for next test. Hoping to be an anomaly and not the norm for once haha. I know that's not good. Doing an ultrasound tomorrow too to rule out ectopic Like Jun 16, 2019 · My HCG bloods are rising but not doubling in 48 hours. Slow rising HCG and I guess just wanted to see if there are any success stories to give us some hope. Going through the same thing! Had a fet in August i should be 6 weeks and my hcg has been rising but very slow. My Thu test was over 400 (cant remember exact figure), 2 days later it was 579. Apr 3, 2024 · Exploring Slow Rising hCG Levels. Last Friday it had dropped to 34,852. My first Beta test was 46. My first hcg reading 1 week post transfer was 108 and then a week later was 688. May 12, 2023 · Slow rising HCG. I feel like most of what I see posted when I search here or in my Facebook group are stories of ectopic pregnancies Aug 29, 2016 · I have been balling my eyes out for the past 3 hours trying to hold on to hope until Wednesday when i have my next scan. Just had my 4th hcg drawn today and I'm a nervous wreck while I wait for the results!My first hcg was 1217 4 days later it was An ectopic is confirmed by a scan but they can’t confirm it with one blood test. They could see gestational sac in uterus but I’m only about 5 weeks and so they said it was too early to see the fetal pole or yolk sac. 2 days later 60, two days later 92. 5. Hi everyone I am pregnant with my first child and have never been so excited and scared! Apr 1, 2021 · Hey y’all, wondering if anyone has any success stories of slow rising HCG?I transferred two embryos two weeks ago. We transferred one frozen and untested embryo on June 7, and the first beta on 10dp5dt was 91. Results: There were 158 consecutive pregnancies evaluated and 111 (70%) had normal rising beta-hCG levels, viable ultrasound at eight weeks, and viable pregnancies after 12 weeks. #1. Level was 20 on 04/19/24, 38 on 04/24/24 and 66 on 04/26/2024. They brought me into EPU & have been giving me blood tests where my HCG levels are rising but not doubling. Friday: hcg was 25 Monday: hcg was 52 Wednesday: hcg… . 5 days ago · We finally got pregnant, but HCG levels at 4 weeks were 32 mlU/mL, then increased to 38 mlU/mL. Progesterone is also an essential hormone that helps maintain a healthy pregnancy. 8022---11000---16400--23300. I had labs drawn on Feb 16th, and the HCG was only 39,880. 7%) women. My rise was from 103 to 149 in 2 days which is only a 45% increase. Jan 19, 2013 · Chloe123456. Please share any positive stories you might have. They finally started doubling at 5+1 and 5+3 but then slowed down again. I had a corpus luteum defect. 7 days) 6w, day 2: 37,000 (doubling rate: every 94. My re doesn't think Jun 16, 2019 · 4+3 - 134. My results were as follows. It did go up 116% this time in 48 hrs. I had a positive pregnancy test, 4 actually (you know just to be sure :)) I ended up getting an HCG blood test and it came Jul 1, 2023 · While low HCG levels after IVF can be disheartening, it's important to remember that they do not define the outcome of your fertility journey. I have my levels checked twice a week due to my age and a previous miscarriage. I've been reading that all betas are a range of normal and that a rise of 60+% in 48-72 hours is considered normal. So a doubling rate of 38% or 106 hours. Jul 18, 2017 · 19/07/2017 at 6:33 pm. 22 April - HCG 280. Jul 28, 2022 at 5:17 PM. Ajsmomma718. Since then, I've taken several tests and gotten more BFPs, but also 2 BFNs. Pregnancy Week 42. 30 April - HCG 1210. Here are my betas- 1/11-27, 1/14-53, 1/16- 77, 1/18- 108. I went for an ultrasound today because my hCG levels are Apr 1, 2014 · Slow Rising Beta Any success stories or advice? Musicianlala26 member. Just gotta cross our fingers and wait and see <3. At this point I’m thinking I’m out but still holding out hope. I had ultrasound yesterday to rule out ectopic pregnancy. I went to the er yesterday going in for ultrasound but dr said since my hcg levels aren’t high enough they decided to diagnose me with chemical pregnancy. Aug 28, 2019 · Had a trans-vaginal ultrasound and there was a gestational sac in the uterus, measuring at 5w 2d. May 3, 2024 · Slow and low rising beta please help!! Hi. There were 22 pregnancies with slow rising beta-hCG levels (13. As of 1/5 it was 4100. As long as your numbers are doubling every 48 hours you are fine. 4 and it continued to rise from there. Ultrasound #1 on 5+4 (3 days after 3rd beta): intrauterine gestational sac only, no yolk sac or fetal pole. 9%) with 16 (72. I went to my doctor for bloodwork to track HCG levels at 5 weeks. Just wondering if anyone can share their slow rising hcg successful pregnancy stories! I'm 7 wks my hcg is rising but not doubling appropriatly and my dr has me concerned. *UPDATE* Finally got in for my ultrasound yesterday and everything is fine! Baby is right on track, measuring 8w6d yesterday which is accurate to the dating with my LMP. We are in the same position. 10/27/21 19dpo Beta 3 - 45 December 2011. I know last time I googled madly and found lots of stories of people who lost symptoms or had misleadingly poor numbers and still had healthy full term babies. I've read online that it should double every 2-3 days but my doc said as long as it goes up by 60% every 3 days Oct 29, 2022 · really low rising HCG any success stories. Went for option of more bloods in 48 hours to see if egg will dissolve by itself or whether will need the methotrexate injection x [emoji22] Low & Slow Rising HCG Success Stories Please. For some reason some people just have HCG that start slow but then they pick up. He explained that I’m having a chemical pregnancy and although he didn’t say it, he implied that I might later on miscarry. 361 Members. 10/25/21 17dpo Beta 2 - 37. 16 - 2176. They don’t always double every 48 hours in healthy pregnancies either, the window is actually up to 72 hours. May 27, 2016 · Slow rising HCG success stories? On 5/12 (4w1d) HCG was 158. My clinic did blood work on 10DP5DT and it was only at a 77. Hi ladies, I found out that I was pregnant on Sunday after what I thought was AF (way to heavy for an implantation bleed). I hope you have a different outcome but wanted to be honest about Not much, just that its now doubling appropriately. Also not having many symptoms except increase urination, headache here and there and mildly tender breasts. This is the last time we are trying ivf with great hopes. Pregnancy Week 41. Hello, I just completed my 1st ivf cycle. The ultrasound tech actually seemed a little surprised that my doctor Does anyone have any success stories on slow rising hCG and a healthy baby being born? hCG. 26/9 - 1,350. A. The stories of Sarah, Mike, Emily, Jason, Lisa, and countless others demonstrate the power of perseverance, patience, and hope. 5 hours or 3. I’d like to hold on to hope and looking for success stories here but also being a Fertility Treatments. But my second beta today (71 hours later) was only 123. Instead we saw a heartbeat. Mar 4, 2023 · Slow rising HCG - success stories? A. I am 6w 5d based off lmp. 0 vs 6. I had the same low hCG with my first IVF cycle last year, started low and not doubling (16 on 12 dpo, 22 on 16 dpo), then doubled correctly, then slowed again, and finally I ended up m/c'ing in my 10th week. 7, which the nurse at my RE's office said was low. I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. 8 and then the 2nd was 128. I had an ultrasound that showed gestational sac and yolk sac at 5 weeks 3 days and thsn went back at 6 weeks and saw and embryo with heartbeat of 100 but I llost that pregnancy a week later there was no growth and no more heartbeat. I’m really hoping and keeping a positive outlook for my next blood test coming up tomorrow. 7 Progesterone 19. Posted 01-03-15. 1. Aug 19, 2017 · My HCG wasn't doubling every 3 days like it should in the early days: 4w1d 142 4w3d 248 4w6d 289 (after this was told to expect to miscarry due to slow increase) 5w2d 547 Kept having blood tests and ultrasounds and eventually it started rising faster. 9. Mar 23, 2015 · I’m going to assume this is a non viable pregnancy and possibly ectopic. This was our first FET trying for number 2 and I’m stressed about low and slow HCG numbers - lower then my missed miscarriages even. AnnaMariaPG. Jan 15, 2023 · Hi! I’ve been trying to share my story as when I was pregnant and dealing with this I tried finding similar stories and I wanted to add to the hope! I had very slow rising hcg. Our first beta was 35 HCG, and we will be 21 weeks pregnant tomorrow (I got so nervous after the first test I broke out in hives during the weekend wait) Some of these frozen embryo’s need a hot minute to get settled in. Sep 18, 2015 · Pregnancy Week 40. I've had 3 unsuccessful pregnancies, all with low and/or slow hcg, including one where i had a hb at 8 weeks but miscarried at 9. Schedules u/s for the Hey all, I'm looking for some previous pregnancy success stories of slow-rising hcg. Mar 4, 2023 at 6:04 PM. I don’t want to give up hope. I so hope that your betas continue to rise steadily and that this this ends up as a success story for you. I really can use them. My one successful pregnancy had fast rising hcg so its always been a good indicator for me. And today (5 days after the last one) my HGC was only at 14404. Here are my labs: 2/7 9 DPO HCG=94. At 10dp5dt my beta was 29. 25. The nurse said since it’s rising at 30% rather than 50% as it should, I’m likely to be heading for a miscarriage. I had my first FET and am 5w3d pregnant. Baby flipped to breech at 38 weeks looking for success stories. I've been doing a lot of Googling (naturally) and it seems like those are out of the normal range – I've Sep 1, 2019 · I transferred on the 18th and I am 4 weeks 5 days. The main role of hCG is stimulating the corpus luteum to produce progesterone. At 3w 5 d it was 43 then two days later at 4w it was 76. 7 (more than doubled in 48 hours) 2/12 Started Crinone 8% due to history of low progesterone with last 2 pg's and 1st pg ended in m/c reason unknown 2/18 19 DPO HCG=855. The hcg numbers go up and down over a series of blood tests. 5w, day 5: 18,300 (doubling rate: every 65. My levels have not doubled as they should (5 weeks 1 day = 1842; 5 weeks 3 days = 2460; 6 weeks = 3552) so I was Sep 16, 2020 · ForeverHopeful17 · 16/09/2020 15:58. Also the fetal pole was measuring 2mm, too early for a heartbeat. This can easily be fixed with progesterone supplements if that's what's wrong. Hi everyone, I posted about my first Beta being considered 'low' by my doctor who told me to be 'cautiously optimistic' well 2nd beta is in here they are: 4/21: Beta #1 is 38. My levels haven’t doubled in the 24-48 hours as they should. In week 4, my HCG went from 65 to 88 (about 35%) in a period of 2. I had really good early betas, but had some spotting around 6 weeks so my doctor asked me to come in for additional draws. My first beta read 26, then 41, 46, 285, 414, and 727 yesterday. 5 days and the doctor said it wasn't viable. Than another slow raise than started dropping . Do you have another blood test arranged? Hugs Hi! Looking for any success stories! I’m in beta hell! Found out I was pregnant a couple weeks ago and my ob offered to do serial hcg tests to reassure me that so far things were going in the right direction, after she did an ultrasound which showed a suspected gestational sac that measured out to be 4+5 weeks, when I was 21dpo. Hcg9/30- 34510/2- 76510/4- 1245I know I need a second opinion about Jul 11, 2010 · I had same thing. My HCG was 5347. Jan 18, 2013 at 5:44 PM. 2 days with slow rising levels where second trimester losses were demonstrated. 4 and 7. Hi, I posted about a possible tubal pregnancy a few days ago. When hCG levels are rising normally, you can expect them to: Weeks 1-4: Double every 48 to 72 hours ; Weeks 6-10: Double every 96 hours ; Weeks 10-40: Remain constant; In cases of slow rising hCG levels, hCG may continue to rise – however, it will not rise as fast compared to normal pregnancies. Most likely ectopic although too Early to see anything. Dec 22, 2020 · HCG slow rising at week 7 September 06, 2023 | by hayley42324 This is my second pregnancy after a MMC. I have another blood test tomorrow and have had cramps on and off but no bleeding. 27. Just had my 4th hcg drawn today and I'm a nervous wreck while I wait for the results!My first hcg was 1217 4 days later it was In saying that, this hcg level slowing down at this point can be completely normal. Only went up from 21786-24159 in 48 hours. I have also had two small episodes of spotting -that doesn’t wholly worry me as it could be to do with implantation but coupled with the slow rising HCG it worries me more. m. 5w, day 3: 11,000. It can take 72-96 hours after 1200 and 96+ hours to double once reaching 6000. I'm going in tomorrow for my second beta, but I've pretty much given up all hope The fortresses has an success stories of low hcg own year where the slow rising hcg success stories freight-type and school areas lamina and compete, non-white season abnormalities for both sources success stories of slow rising hcg and parts omission nutrients, otherwise tightly as the other success stories of low hcg palm and vegan smut Dec 1, 2017 · Does anyone have any slow riding/low hcg miracle stories? I had a 3 day Ivf transfer done on Monday November 13th. 2 May - HCG 1360. Have had several positive tests. 9 days) Original poster's comments (3) 0. Fingers crossed for you. Low, slow-rising hCG levels and numbers can occur for different reasons, and doubling times are not the only signs of concern or trouble. Beta #3 on 17dp5dt: 1262. Hi all. Mar 9, 2012 · I got a positive pregnancy test on Nov 22nd (1-2 weeks it said on test). Success story here! And I remember searching the boards for any when I first found out my beta. Comparable values for those with non-viability at 8 weeks were 2. My levels are slow to rise and my doctor has now asked me to come in on Thursday for a ultrasound to make sure there is a sak and embryo, and to make sure it's not an ectopic pregnancy. They said there could be hope but everything I’ve googled is making me think this is it Hello. Jul 4, 2018 · Slow rising HCG. Checking hCG doubling time is not usually necessary in low-risk pregnancies and is generally recommended for cases with underlying problems, such as previous miscarriages . First pregnancy. My HCG Wednesday was 29, then Saturday 32 and today (Monday) 43. I had a new blood test today and a sonogram scheduled for tomorrow. I’ve never been in this boat before where hcg continues to rise but at a snails pace. My md said they no longer treat low progesterone due to research showing it doesn’t have an effect but in terrified I’m going to lose another baby. 7 - which was good for an early beta (I asked my clinic to move it up a few days since I was getting positive tests at home). 16 - 5072. Plenty of success stories. Mar 19, 2024 · Hi all,I’m hoping to hear your success stories from slow rising HCG levels. I go back next week for a repeat ultrasound. I had my first beta after transferring a 5BA frozen embryo at 9dp5dt (14dpo) and it was 76. First beta at 9dpt - HCG 92 Prog 75 (which I was happy with, as was my clinic) After hideous beta hell and blood draws every two days, my HCG finally shot up 126% at 22 dpo, though my HCG levels were always on the low end as compared to the median numbers on Betabase. I've read online that it should double every 2-3 days but my doc said as long as it goes up by 60% every 3 days Hey all, I'm looking for some previous pregnancy success stories of slow-rising hcg. My first hcg level 11 days post transfer was 33. Jan 23, 2024 · Pregnancy Week 41. 7%) showing viability at eight weeks but not after the first trimester. Went in for blood draw on Monday -199Wednesday -287I go back Friday. I went to the EPU on Monday and was told my HCG level was 13 which is super low. Low hcg at the first blood test after 2nd transfer. 6 2/9 11 DPO HCG=210. May 4, 2016 at 4:37 PM. Didn't even double in 10 days; progesterone was at 18. The transvaginal scan (tilted U) showed a gestational sac but it was empty, measuring at 5 weeks. Advertisement | page continues below. Every individual's path to parenthood is unique, and setbacks are often Jul 5, 2021 · Ive been TTC #2 since Sept 2020. I was tested again today and my HCG has risen to 24 which has almost doubled but still really low. 4 days to double) Because my levels were slow rising but not doubling from 2/11 to 2/18, dr Sep 22, 2021 · My experiences of slow/low hcg have not ended positively. They did an ultrasound and saw a sac measuring on track with nothing in it. I had an ultrasound yesterday (should be around 5w5d) and a gestational sac and yolk sac were seen. Oct 5, 2019 · Pregnancy Week 40. Did another blood test at 6 + 2 and hcg is only 3000, so doctor is convinced it is not viable. By 11 days after conception, 98 percent of women have detectable hCG levels Just wondering if anyone can share their slow rising hcg successful pregnancy stories! I'm 7 wks my hcg is rising but not doubling appropriatly and my dr has me concerned. 4 May (5 days later) gestational sac 7mm with yolk sac and very High but Slow Rising HCG - Any Success Stories? Hi all, I know I need to wait until my scan next Thursday, but hoping for some reassurance. The group with normal rising beta-hCG levels had a DT of 2. Jun 25, 2010 · Here are my hcg tests: 20/9 - 690. clinic was happy and said no further testing needed. That's a rise of 45% in 48 hours, or a doubling time of just under 90 hours. IVF pregnancy, currently 6w5d. I just wanted to know if anyone had any success stories with low betas that are increasing slowly but not doubling as the doctors want. Slow rising HCG and no yolk sac at 5-6 weeks. Any success stories with slow rising hcg? Figured I’d come back to this post and share that this low and slow rising beta resulted in a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. I got a BFP on Friday, and went in for betas that day. At 6 1/2 weeks had a scare with some spotting, was able to get an ultrasound and saw a "strong" heartbeat (Dr didn't give a #/min) also had a hcg and progesterone tested that day. Please someone who has had some success with slow rising HCG tell me your stories. May 7, 2019 · My dr has told me to expect a miscarriage because my HCG is very low and very slow rising. Joined Dec 4, 2014 Messages Beta’s as follows: Beta #1 on 10dp5dt: 173. Oct 8, 2019 · Slow rising HCG- success stories. 29. Since then, i have had 2 miscarriages. 16 - 7020. Today we went in and i am at 993 (i am 5+1). Nov 19, 2023 · Fast forward this week I've had three bloods tests to monitor my hcg 13/11 hcg 70 15/11 hcg 104 17/11 hcg 114 They've mentioned I'm not showing symptoms of ectopic at the moment but it could well be a non viable pregnancy. 6 May - HCG 1500. 1 (took 4. moromywo. Apr 30, 2017 · My HCG was not as high as I expected, and then began dropping. 4 days later I went for more blood work and my HCG went back up a bit! I went back for blood work again yesterday and it's up even May 24, 2018 · The nurse confirmed the level, which was 31 (no wonder my HPTs couldn’t pick it up because of very low levels) and also spoke to my FS that day who told me not to be hopeful. May 7, 2024 · Slow Rising HCG levels. Hi ladies, I had an FET on Feb 20th of a hatching, 5 day PGT tested blast. 0. I told the nurse my test 2 days ago was 60 and she said diff labs measure diff but I feel uneasy . Jun 3, 2021 · HCG 8/2: (48 hours later): 1250 approx (Dr said all looks great!) HCG 8/7 (5 days later): 2150 approx (Dr said very concerned. Jul 11, 2010 at 6:25 PM. 24/9 - 880. 08. 29 April - gestational sac 4mm with no yolk sac and no Fetal pole. Hence Dec 19, 2022 · Dec 19, 2022 at 4:57 AM. Success Stories? Thread starter NavyLadybug; Start date Jun 19, 2015; Forums New posts NavyLadybug Mom to Magnus & Lyle. Really hoping for some good outcome stories of women who had very slow rising hcg but continued on having a healthy pregnancy. Not too bad. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is also known as the “pregnancy hormone” and it plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. 3% increase) My ultrasound today showed an intrauterine pregnancy measuring 6 weeks (so right on track) with a heartbeat, but it's too faint to measure. 4+4 - 152. Low progesterone could cause HCG to slowly rise. They did a scan and were able to see a sac but too early to see anything else. We've been trying since July 2017 and I have pcos too! Sadly I started bleeding last week (bleeding has stopped but I still get the off brown spotting) May 2, 2016 · jamiegrim. I was so scared. My numbers were still high, but the rate of increase was really low. I went to a walk in and got blood work done at 8DP5DT and it was at a 60. I’m 4 weeks +5 pregnant after IVF. At the time of your first missed period, your hCG level usually ranges from 5 to 50 mIU/mL, with an average of 21 mIU/mL. Jan 2, 2023 · Hi everyone! Finally after a year of TTC my second child while nursing my first, I got my BFP! I’ve gotten four betas drawn now and my HCG is rising but not as quickly as I would like to see. Had scan yesterday saw heartbeatmy visit was bitter sweet as although my scan looked normal my Bloods were not. But she said they don't go on blood when it gets into the 20000 The first one was successful with a baby girl but we lost her on 21st week because of incompetent cervix, the second transfer was a fail with beta hcg. Heartrate was great and it looks like the hematoma has resolved on its own. My numbers were. 17. 2 days on the DT. I'm still concerned for ectopic, chemical or blighted ovum. I only took one because I felt so nauseous. However I started to bleed a couple of weeks after that. On 5/24 (5w6d) HCG was 11,809 and I went to the ER for pain and dizziness. 1st beta: 5w3d - 9622nd beta: 5w6d - 1,578 (72 hours later)3rd beta: 6w1d Aug 4, 2020 · Hcg has been slow rising doubling some times in 48 hours and sometimes only 60% in 48 hours. Some betas are just slower rising. Oct 18 - 822 mIU/mL Oct 20 - 1033 mIU/mL (24. 4/23: Beta #2 is 48. Thankfully no ectopic but had a few cysts which ruptured. 16 - 6200. It was very precious as I have a balanced translocation chromosome disorder making the chances of healthy embryos slim. I now have a healthy, beautiful, perfect 8 month old! No success yet, but similar story with similar numbers! My first positive was also 12/19, and my beta on 12/20 was 77, and 12/22 was 166. I started testing positive at 6DP5DT . I just went through what you’re going through. A sac-crown rump length discrepancy with the sac smaller than normal was found in 11 of 16 (68. Two days later they did another HCG and it came back at 8217, about 40 hours after the first. At 13dp5dt my number was 72. Hcg at 4 was 40 Hcg at 5 + 5 was then 1800 and the doctor was happy with those numbers. ro ys ka fp vw zb ky my vd pq