Harry potter fanfiction harry bonds with the basilisk

Harry potter fanfiction harry bonds with the basilisk. Morning was quite pleasant, other than the fact Madara was quite upset at the thought that Harry assumed he ate the spiders, nothing out of the ordinary happen. It bowed down to him, eyes of death meeting eyes of Avada Kedavra-green. "Despite what many would say, no. Rionddo. " The younger son looked up at his mother and gurgled happily. Leaving Colonel Kosta and the Spectras to address the looming threat in the ICW. He had been so excited to go to Hogwarts once he was finally able to read his letter that was addressed to him. As the General reached for his wand, declaring Harry under arrest with a contemptuous sneer, Harry was already in motion. Said snake is the Basilisk, who befriended Harry after he flung the diary into its mouth. The Bonds That Tie By: Nightstar Fury. On his way home he is attacked and turned by a vampire. Neville has been hailed as the Prophecy Child, though the Wizarding World (and Dumbledore) sees him as a disappointment. linkffn (And the Basilisk made Three by slytherinsal). The memory of a most vile man taunted a young boy as he flung curse after curse at him, distracting the child from his fight with the giant beast known as a Basilisk; a giant snake that served under one of the four founders of the school they fought in, Salazar Slytherin. I am a 'alf Veela. He'd wondered on it for as long as he could remember, but accepted their presence without much thought. It has been six months to the day since the final battle; fifteen year old Harry Potter had been wandering the world alone ever since. His destructive magic tears through their defenses, scattering them like leaves in a storm. Harry discovers himself to be a Mage, a magical who can use wandless magic. The metallic sheen of his spell blade reflected the flickering candlelight, and his thoughts were lost in the rhythmic sway of the cloth against the hilt. He told me that himself. The basilisk has a garden of statues near her nest. Thanks to a healing gone wrong in the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter is now a Basilisk. Turning Dobby. Potter would be able to listen to what the basilisk said and then the professors would be able to get rid of the basilisk and everyone could stay at Hogwarts and no one had to leave! Believe my luck that I heard you storming into the library muttering something about snakes, I ripped out the paper and left it in the book on the table for you to Harry pulled his sleeve away and shows Voldemort an old scar "This came from your basilisk, I was healed by Dumbledore phoenix's but the venom still had affect on me, unknowing to me, anyhow Ost said that a survivor of the basilisk no matter how they were healed they were marked and ummm well Ost said he had a dream about me 300 years ago. " Hermione felt that she was probably missing something, but decided that it was probably best not to get distracted. Here is one, Serpentine - Linkffn (12459242) Not the main focus of the story, but he hatches a basilisk Chapter One: Eyes of Amber. 'Come get us, Harry,' four voices demanded at once. Nov 23, 2013 · Basilisk stories. Harry and Hermione stood by and watched in amusement as Mrs Weasley turned and smiled kindly at them. As Harry stared at the Hungarian Horntail a familiar feeling came upon him. " Harry nodded, a sense of satisfaction mingling with his exhaustion. Herpo the Foul was the first to breed a Basilisk. The Chamber of Secrets echoed with silence, broken only by the faint rise and fall of Ginny Weasley's chest. It involves Hagrid. Something was sort of popping up at the corner of his mind, rippling along with his thoughts, almost tickling him. Jun 10, 2023 · In his thirteenth life, he is Harry Potter once again and the wizarding world changes from the awakening of a reincarnated master of death. Harry shook his head, and then shook his head again. When Unspeakable Harry Potter wakes up in 1978, he determines he's either A: In the past. " he chuckled. Stare of the Basilisk King By: Zero Arashi Uchiha. At one point the bird who brought the boy the Stare of the Basilisk King By: Zero Arashi Uchiha. Harry pulled his limp arm from the dead creature, the fang stayed in his shoulder and came with him as he moved away. Books Harry Potter. Basilisk Child By: TheSlytherinMuggle. When one catches his attention in particular, it awakens a new friendship, full of mysteries, time travel, and the chance to change everything. This short story is not to be taken seriously. Her name is Sarshaska. He had wrapped his arm around her as if they had been dating for months. Not needing to be told twice, Harry leapt out of his bed , and for good measure sent Hermione a Parseltongue: italic. Basic Summary-. Waiting tables at the Three Broomsticks, drunken death eater bar fights, annoying an attractive but pushy auror, and avoiding his mother's crush on him is just another day in the Dec 21, 2023 · Harry wasn't surprised that Snape married Irma Pince. I think you will be interested to know exactly why its done there and what it has been made to do. "When something is repeated so many times and reach to a point where it cannot be ignored, people tend to accept them. Promptober 10/03/2023. 1. The feast in the Great Hall was running high with everybody celebrating the victory over the monster from the Chamber of Secrets. I can't remember if it's in both "I'm Still Here" and "From Ruin" or just "From Ruin". K Rowling and Marvel Comics for the characters of Harry Potter and the X-men. He hadn't really studied alchemy, but transmute sounded similar to transfigure , and he had listened to enough of Professor McGonagall's lectures about human Transfiguration Harry inquired, his concern for their losses evident in his voice. "Maybe I should have talked to the child first. The Basilisk was a giant serpent, also known as the King of Serpents. In a fluid motion, Harry dropped low and executed a reverse strike, the point of his sword penetrating the back of the Colonel's knee. The mental pictures danced before his closed eyelids, persistent and insistent. AU - Harry is rescued from the Dursleys by the Grangers, but they first time they touch, both Harry and Hermione collapse unconscious. He unleashes devastating spells that send shockwaves through the ranks of the orcs. Chapter 1: Blood, Venom, and Visions. With a final nod to the barman, Harry Potter walked out of The Hog's Head and started trekking back to Hogwarts. It happened before on the day that Hagrid showed him the dragons. Harry finds his way back to the present, only it's been ten years since he left and everyone thinks he's dead. Harry finds himself with some unexpected allies who show him just how strong bonds can be. "I think it was when I killed the Basilisk, stabbed the diary, and saved her life. First published Jul 05, 2022. The door creaked open, revealing Steelbane, Stoneheart, and Darkstone, his three sergeants Having heard Harry's explanation of things, she understood that the headmaster had made mistakes, and that one of his mistakes could have destroyed the bond between Susan and Harry. Tom seeing the fang in Harry's shoulder let out a laugh of triumph. , Harry P. He really should have read the fine print when remaking spell required the "kiss of After being Bitten by the Basilisk in his second year at Hogwarts unbeknownst to Harry the basilisk had gifted him as the infusion of a phoenix's tears caused a chain reaction. Feb 22, 2013 · Harry rolled his eyes more than a few times until Riddle released the Basilisk to kill him. Most of Harry's days went by the same way: lessons when scheduled, prefect duties, and whatever scraps of time he had remaining given over to his Disclaimer: All rights belong to J. in his 4th year the gift awakens within him, Harem, Powerful Harry, Hybrid Harry with Basilisk and Phoenix traits. Jul 6, 2022 · Ongoing. The Harmony Bond By: brigrove. The basilisk let loose a long, earsplitting shriek as it danced its death throes. "Come on. Ronald told me so much about you. One wore a gold dragon mask, while the other engaged the arriving Aurors. As Leevi ran through the hall, hissing at the basilisk to keep directing it, he missed a group of incredulous second years that had been running along the hall. Chapter 1 - The Voice in the Wall. Surprise. A Parody of Soul Bonds By: Diresquirrel. Two years later in Diamond Time) Harry and Hermione had gone through vigorous training and were now capable of taking on Voldemort's inner circle by themselves (and Harry was capable of taking on Voldemort); they had spent two years practicing with the founders and Merlin. Here is a cookie! :D. Harry returns to the Chamber of Secrets, hoping to find knowledge that can help him in his journey. "The undead fear our blades and our tactics. As the massive doors of the fortress burst open, the air inside tensed, charged with anticipation and dread. Chapter 1 - Arrival. Fics where the basilisk is sentient and will speak to Harry. Mature. After being Bitten by the Basilisk in his second year at Hogwarts unbeknownst to Harry the basilisk had gifted him as the infusion of a phoenix's tears caused a chain reaction. This is a fic where Harry is raised by the Basilisk from age 8 or so , and by the last book he is part of the Basilisk Nation. Harry will be both stronger and smarter than canon. The shadow on the wall before him showed Fawkes had ripped the eyes from the basilisk. Amidst the calming darkness of his mind, images began to form—flashes of a diadem, a crown of wisdom and power. Chapter Two-The Basilisk Rises. Harry has always been a true Gryffindor, he thought to himself, the truest of us all, and as if to prove it again he just bagged a smoking-hot death-trap. Purple eyes slowly opened, and then abruptly closed. First Fanfic constructive criticism is asked for. Death sends him somewhere he can be useful. 'I was a fool to leave Hogwarts. Riddle, however, was now smiling again. Harry sighed, sometimes for all of Hermione's smarts, she was one of the dumbest people he knew. Unfortunately, said master of death has grown to be a sociopath that is hellbent on making Dumbledore suffer And maybe forgot about the dark lord who takes offense to this. Any OCs are mine XD. Or B: In a mental hospital. Lilly smiled down at the sleepy baby and gave a little laugh "He's Henry…but we'll call him Harry. With a flash of blue light, they Tunneled to Harry's room. Snakes had a habit of showing up wherever Harry Potter went. Harry's platoon moves as one, their spears striking true, their magic surging with power. - Chapters: 85 - Words: 267,836 - Reviews: 6,142 Harry and Fleur sat on a loveseat with Fleur leaning against him. Chapter 6: The Hogwarts Express. The Basilisk was always a living thing, and cared deeply about many things. " The boy was looking at him with an odd look, distrust clearly visible in his eyes. linkffa (Bestest Birthday Ever) It's one of his animagus forms. Harry ran but could only reach a column before he heard the snake getting closer. Harry sighed to himself as he walked down one of the empty corridors of Hogwarts, it was moments like these that made him reflect on things. They were never aggressive towards him. A half mile from where Harry sat crying, a colony of basilisks lay in the shade of one of the most dense parts of the forest. "What you are zeeing between 'Arry and Fleur iz known as a Veela bond. • 3 yr. Of a Linear Circle linkao3 (11284494) Harry doesn't show up until book 3 of the series but he eventually gets one. In his 2nd year after being bitten by the Basilisk, the Horcrux in Harry's scar is destroyed. Thanks to his 'near death experience' he gets to meet with his parents. Angry at the betrayal he goes out and begins to think through everything that has happened since he entered the wizard world. It had taken many, many attempts to hide one of those Even as the pool transmutes you and makes you into something new, someone without the bond to your basilisk, it will protect your mind. He asked Alice to bring him a light lunch and then sat down to read the letter. The trauma of the events after the third task bring those two elements in Harry's blood to the forefront. Hermione decides that Severus is worth risking her life for after he'd done the same for her. Harry didn't know it, but he was slightly radiating his magic in such a way as to give him a powerful presence. They were wrong. With a nod of agreement, Dumbledore and Sebastion disappeared in a burst of flame to confront General Freemont. Oct 3, 2023 · Harry keeps the Basilisk. But at the same time, she didn't fully understand why it was so important, nor why the other girl seemed so inclined to dismiss the man. Afternoon was the same, Vernon was at work, Petunia was spying on the neighbor through the window, Dudly was playing computer games while Harry was doing Chapter 6. Kiss of the Basilisk By: corvusdraconis. Chapter 22: Forming New Bonds. To them it was perfectly normal. It wasnt meant for him to become Fallen and she wasnt meant to be his but it happened and now, well now, Britian is faced with a creature beyond their control. The Colonel screamed in pain as his leg gave way, causing him to fall forward. The Great Wolf King's gaze remained fixed on Ragnar as he absorbed his son's words, a mixture of pride and concern flickering in his eyes. " Harry tried to thrash even harder. Riddle glanced at the boys, grinned, and then shouted in Parseltongue, " No! Books Harry Potter. No one was sure where they'd gone or disappeared too. Harry dropped to his knees, the battle's weight and wounds bearing upon him. Quite the contrary—they had a tendency to gather around him almost protectively. Harry turned to face the basilisk feeling a little bit more hopeful. Right, self-esteem issues. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Hermione G. Rachel and Harry left the Great Hall in a haste. [3] point pierced the soft flesh of the mouth, but pain lanced up his arm as one of the long. Harry joined Ron at the Gryffindor table and smiled weakly at him. Not only that, but a basilisk that was centuries old. Slash but only in some conversations. ms. [HG/SS] AU: Tom Riddle's diary didn't start with Ginny. "You only took your guard," The Wolf King reiterated, his voice measured yet tinged with a hint of disbelief. Deep in the Hogwarts infirmary, there was a bed that was currently hosting none other than Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, and now the two-time saviour of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry. " Harry James Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived, found himself in Oct 27, 2018 · Chapter 1: A Bite of the Basilisk. Neville Longbottom stopped so suddenly that Harry and Ron knocked into Books Harry Potter. Potter, what seems to be your problem?" "Well all of the homework that Snape-" "PROFESSOR Snape, Harry. Saturday, November 26th, 1994. After the fall of Sirius and the rejection of those who supported him, Harry Potter learns a secret that sets him out on his own. confrontation. "Nothing, nothing…Out of curiosity, however, could you tell me how your bond formed. If he has not held him in a headlock, he won't even have burned Uncle Vernon's toast. Harrison seemed slightly serious for a newborn as he looked back at his mother steadily. A splash broke of Harry's train of thought. In the Wizarding World, it was rare for basilisks to live in colonies, but it was not entirely unheard of, since basilisks are nearly immortal. I am available to meet with you at 3pm today 3 July. High in the mountains, nestled among the clouds, lay a fortress shrouded in mystery and whispered fear. " the mother said and she embraced him slightly. "However, I do believe that I was drunk when I made these. Harry was back with his relatives for another summer. They explain things to him and he finally gets his shit together. Taking over his mind, Tom found a sacrifice to use in the Chamber of Secrets to "prepare" the Chamber for his resurrection. She realized that Harry was treating her like an average person—no attempts to impress, no seeking attention, no display of control. Chapter 35: Veela Life Debt. XXXXX. Harry and Hermione decide to make a soul bond, despite not really knowing what they are doing. The redirected pieces of earth proved fatal for the wizard. The pipe that led down into the Chamber of Secrets echoed with the dying screams of the possessed diary as Harry stabbed the broken fang into it and twisted viciously. When Harry arrived back at Potter Manor the next afternoon there was a letter from Gringotts waiting for him on his desk. Freedom. "I know he's a basilisk, sir. Harry Potter had been incredibly lucky to survive the venom from a basilisk bite. Oneshot Prompts Challenge. Ever since the end of their wedding Harry and Daphne Potter, Tracey Davis, Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom had gone missing. Nizar has a baby basilisk in book 1. The Basilisk was moving blindly towards Lockhart, who backed away slowly, drawing it past Harry and Ron towards the entrance. ago. Being an incredibly ancient and deadly creature that seemingly only two people living (disregarding possession) can speak two it boggles the mind where it's continually treated as a relatively simple obstacle rather than a possible resource. Oct 17, 2021 · Chapter 1. She gripped Harry tighter, knowing that he was about to Tunnel them somewhere. With new changes in all aspects you can a expect a Surprise. " the Chapter 10 - A Basilisk Bargain. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Parody/Humor - Harry P. At least the firewhiskey still tastes the same. October Prompt Challenge. "He even covers his eyes so that he can't kill someone with his eyes. "Harry dear, it is so great to see. HPHG. He finds new support in the last place expected and goes on to find the real future his destiny holds and forging his new way through the world with new rules he was never aware 1940s. "Bow to death, Harry!" The voice was oddly warm, like a summer wind in autumn, tingling through the air like the unearthly voice of a High Elf. Chapter 1: The Dragon Rises. It seemed to him that he was the only wizard left, when Hogwarts exploded everyone that he ever loved died with it. "Let's see how much of a hero you are without a wand," he whispered. Harry was cutting away at it, but he couldn't be precise in his attacks because the visor wasn't as good as actual sight. It was just a monster, something that didn't even think, that couldn't do anything but kill. "But maybe," Sal thought to himself, inwardly grimacing. Turned into a vampire at fifteen was not something Harry Potter needed in his already very crazy life, and worse that the one who turned him isn't around to guide his way. The goblin turned to face them. Harry and Reg instead returned to Surrey, to a playground not far from Harry's home. Sequel to Son of Salazar. Let's get out of here before the students realize you have some free time. "They were light, Tribune," Captain Feliona assured him, a hint of pride in her voice. The rest of term passed by in almost a blur. She pulled the fang out of her arm and stabbed the diary in her last attempt to stop Riddle. The the girl will die and I shall be reborn. in his 4th year the gift awakens within him, Small Harem, Powerful Harry, Hybrid Harry with Basilisk and Phoenix traits. On his sixteenth birthday Harry Potter discovers that he has been lied to and betrayed by everyone he knows and trusts. Twisted Fate By: moonfeather58. He was literally fighting blind, and it wasn't easy. dagger-like teeth dug into his arm. But something else was happening. Chapter 1: Flames in the Blood. A Brother to Basilisks linkao3 (2435531) Harry hears a basilisk hatching and befriends it. "Very well. Apr 6, 2024 · Harry followed her and they spent the rest of their afternoon – almost right up until dinner – duelling in the Chamber while the basilisk watched. Andromeda and Tonks entered cautiously. Dumbledore watched through Fawkes' eyes with concern etched on his face. Herpo accomplished this by hatching a chicken egg beneath a toad which resulted in the creature known as a Basilisk. The Basilisk Forging a New Name By: MoonlightNomad. State your business. " "I, Harry James Potter, by right of magical emancipation and blood step forth to claim my seat as the Lord Addlemore. Fleur's sudden and bold question took Harry aback. ( Basilisk Pov) Now under the control of Tom Riddle, she is trying to kill the boy named Harry Potter, she wishes she could use her eyes but because of that damn Phoenix, she is blind but could 10 year's old Harry Potter sat down at the stream bed and sigh. Dear Lord Potter Black, If it is convenient for you. "It is the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. One that stopped all who had even thought to protest his approach. Sodalis By: theatreslave. Dash was wrapped around him, his head dangling next to Harry's on the other side of his neck and his tail sweeping around his waist. He closed his eyes, trying to center himself. "Hold on," Harry told Hermione. The stately elegance and sheer opulence of the room the young witch was inviting the wizard into was currently being totally ignored by the couple. Prompt: Blind Harry Potter gets a service animal… in the form of a snake that gives him directions. Tear's started to leak out of his eyes; it was all Dudly's fault. To join staff email me. Fawkes you must protect him and Miss Weasley if you can as well,' he thought as the battle began. Its tail was wrapped in a coil around Harry's waist gently. Sep 4, 2013 · The Basilisk of the Avengers By: Maddog Morgan. Thick Walls, Thicker Bonds By: AlexisJames92. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were also a lot more passive, Harry still has to do all the chores but the shouting and scolding had ceased. Harry steadied himself with thinking about that, and with the hand he put on the back of Dash's head, and went on. Her life force slowly returned, her breathing becoming steadier. " said a great man. His name was Ronald Weasley. A Harry Hermione soul bond fic - will be romance LATER. Effects of Basilisk By: BeepKeeper. " He The basilisk's venom was affecting Haley quickly. (You're all going to hate me for this but…. Severus, finds himself once more having to share the affections of one witch with a Potter. Lilly looked between her two sons. - Words: 1,425 - Reviews: 80 - Favs: 253 - Follows Ron immediately broke out in a smile and was promptly squash by his mother in a tight hug. " Fawkes told Harry. Lots of things won't work on Harry Potter because of a combination of basilisk venom and phoenix tears in his blood. He hid quickly and heard the great snake's cries of pain. Sal couldn't accept that the boy would have no choice – so the only way to give the boy a choice was to claim him as an heir. Regards, . A final cry of anguish and fury was left ringing, echoing through the darkness that Harry was in. Harry laughed in delight and looked back at his team mates who were receiving the same treatment as him. Despite the victory, the cost in lives was a burden he carried as their leader. I suggested that. Ragnar met his father's gaze with unwavering resolve. With a start, Harry realized what he saw—the Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw. Things have been a lot quiet the last month, with Dudly so afraid oh him, running away whenever he see Harry. " Harry touched Dash's face, and after an irritated snapping of his tongue, Dash let him. (Basically it's a Harry get's his shit together and is OP story). "Well, that should do" he said, pulling out a third wand and erecting spell-walls to prevent from noticing and listening. He gave a watery chuckle, admiring the serene surroundings. This colony was 'ruled' by a 'Mother' basilisk, and 18 others. Apr 12, 2013 · I only own the few original characters added by me and the plot. On instinct, Harry knew he was safe. They'd been missing for most of the summer. She heard him yell, "No!" but all she could see was the blurred version of his chest exploding in a bright light. Inside the chamber, Andromeda Tonks and her daughter, Nymphadora, waited for the goblin to reveal the purpose of their summons. There was rubble on the ground that he couldn't see well. Title: "Legacy of the Basilisk". Harry accidently becomes master of death to stop anyone else from becoming immortal. Chapter 45. It’s so good, the author does such a good job of describing the different types of societies- whether Basilisk, Acromantula, Mermaid or other. Chief Aura Alistor Moody engaged the last dragon wizard, delivering a blasting curse to the chest that ended his threat. In the wizarding world, he was famous, Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived', famous for defeating the most powerful dark wizard of all time at the age of one! Back with the Dursely's, he was Harry Potter the freak, the burden, treated no better than a Chapter 3: Rubeus Hagrid. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to change. Moments later he was gone and Haley heard a small voice call her name. Chapter 4. This is for stories that have Basilisks in them as a main or supporting character. It was an accident, but an accident that ended the war when everyone, including Voldemort, that Harry breeds about 2 dozen basilisks to take out Voldemort and the Death Eaters in linkffn (If Looks Could Kill by questionablequotation) Linkffn (petrification proliferation) Linkffn (12459242; 10680240) linkao3 (From Ruin) He winds up with a hatchling. It was a magical beast that was usually bred by Dark wizards. Harry and Tom winced inwardly, but turned their attention back to their own. Fawkes perched himself upon a statue and watched the scene. Harry tripped, and fell, turning as he saw the basilisk lunging toward him. He married their cousin Nymphadora Tonks. Most tales never mention the small miracle other than Harry having some resistance to poisons in the future. "What are you planning now, S…. Harry glanced at the snake warily as it turned its head and regarded Harry carefully. If you like to be see it on this let me know. But when rituals and bonds go awry Hermione puts herself in the middle of a web of manipulation and hard decisions. " Stare of the Basilisk King By: Zero Arashi Uchiha. Gilded doors adorned with intricate designs loomed before them. The creature they forsakened with the wrong name: Brother to boy who lived. Chapter one: Change Hurts. Not fun for dementors, professors and love potions. I can't stand the Harry Potter fan club as you know. " he cooly stated, before picking up the earphone and handing it to McGonagall, before grabbing another. The black-haired, green-eyed wizard had been told by the school's nurse, Madam Pomfrey, that there was no way on Earth that Its hood prevented its features from being seen. Three new dragon wizards emerged from the entrance. Then the older son turned to his twin and reached forward. Horlarity ensues (portmanteau of "Horror" and "Hilarity"). Harry's arcane abilities continue to shine. The basilisk hissed submissively and followed the sound of his footsteps towards the second floor girl's bathroom. He was a bit shocked to see Sirius marrying a muggle born witch, and Remus was the last to marry. 'It is over Potter, The venom of the Basilisk should soon melt you from the inside out. The Basilisk could think, could feel emotions, and could share a strong bond with her master. "Now, Mr. Linkffn (13536654) I think A Brother to a basilisks by Lomonaaeren isn't slash but it's a HUGE fic so if there is slash it's very much later in the story. Follow . A red-haired wizard watched his best-mate leave with a hot vampire in tow. Mar 25, 2013 · Nobody ever gave a second thought towards the Basilisk. Able to turn into a "Human Harry shaped" Basilisk from sunrise to sunset, he Fleur, anticipating a more dramatic response from Harry, laughed. " Harry considered. Basilisk fics. The double doors to the chamber swung open. A King's Path By: 521-DREAM. In fact, it started with Lucius Malfoy. Just its deadly green eyes gleamed in the light. The Colonel, caught off guard by Harry's lightning speed, attempted to parry the swift attacks. Harry felt a sadness at seeing the beautiful and powerful creatures caged to be used for the entertainment of witches and wizards and he could Harry Potter sat in the dimly lit barracks, meticulously cleaning his gear with a practiced hand. First Year Tom Riddle discovers the Chamber of Secrets has more Secrets than expected. To everyone else, it seemed like Harry had gone crazy. He was a regular guy, as usual as someone like Harry Potter could be. It was only the phoenix tears from Fawkes that saved Harry's life. There Harry looked around, but the day was a rainy one and so no-one was on the streets. Harry come quick, Diamond is having a most interesting conversation with a Basilisk in the chamber of secrets. sss. Harry stood up and stared at the floor, trying to watch the basilisk out of the corner of his eye. Harry Potter and the Gift of the Basilisk. He wishes to no longer be manipulated by Dumbledore and Voldemort, to be able to chose his own fate. Swinging his sword of Godric Gryffindor at the Blind Basilisk who growled and is trying to strike him with a bite. An immense acting talent who managed to infuse humanity into a character who didn't possess any - Vernon Dursley. This was the lair of the Dragon Cabal, a place as formidable as the ancient beings it revered. Apolline was the first to speak. The Gryffindor spectators picked Harry up and threw him over their shoulders before running towards the castle, screams of happiness and joy was radiated of them. A sharp hiss tore its way out of the cat's mouth as blinding light invaded her vision with all the force of a Bombarda. Both. "You could stay here, and I could go get you something to eat," Harry suggested, as he struggled to climb back through the tiny tunnel he'd used to get into the hatching room. I am not insane. jz rr eu ua xh it vl gx jm gn