
What causes bad eyesight reddit

  • What causes bad eyesight reddit. It's thought that spending more time indoors-and getting less sunlight- as a child is the cause. Or perhaps it's just come time for my hapless genes to manifest. I think you’re right, and that’s exactly what my eye doctor explained to me! Most people naturally tune out all of this stuff. Well, anatomically, myopia and hyperopia can be caused by the lens not working properly. He said the problem is that staring at the same DISTANCE causes your eyes to get sore. In addition to this am also known for dropping astro knowledge around Reddit. There are many possible causes of eye bags, dark circles or puffiness under the eyes, including but not limited to the following; lack of sleep, aging, salt, removing make up, smoking, allergies, insufficient hydration, medical reasons and more. Try getting some glasses and wearing them for a while, if this cures your vertigo then you probably found the answer to your question. Now, for the sort of bad eyesight that shows up even at young ages, for most of our atomfullerene. Award. This thinning is an eye disease called keratoconus Possibly, I wish I could give you a better answer. Turn on blue light filtering. xobabygirl • 6 yr. I'd encourage you to at least try because eye waivers can be granted. Doing this for hours at a time without break is thought to cause Myopia (or "nearsightedness"). From what I’ve seen, your eyes correcting to 20/20 with glasses or contacts helps a lot with vision waivers. For some cases it keep getting worse till 23-25. But yeah, checking your eyesight is a good step. Just as you should be paying attention to your water intake, you should watch the food you’re putting into your body. Duox_TV. They don't heal/expand the same way as your biceps. As long as you feel comfortable (too close or too far and your eyes have to actively adapt, which worsens the eyes) and dont let your eyes dry out, theres no problem. Yes, you should stop giving a shit. However i dont think you should be scared that it does any permanent damage to your vision, never Heard of that. Then I lightly press on my eye basically between the eye & the socket, massaging all the tiny muscles on the inner roof of my eyes. I plan on getting them soon (haven’t had the money). In fact, blue light ≠ danger. But it won't really damage your vision. So, wearing or not wearing glasses is up to you, but you should check your eyesight regularly (2 times a year before you hit 18 and at least once a year after 18). My left eye once I became addict just started declining like I’m pretty much blind in that eye and also it’s very lazy like it’s much bigger then my good eye and and it sometimes look in the opposite direction when When outside, try to read the licenceplates of cars as they come closer and closer. » LG 34GP83-AB - IPS, one of the fav on reddit. Haven't been in the ring in a while but did a fair bit of sparring a while back. Here are some things that can improve or avoid common issues people have with a computer job (not just for your eyes): Take frequent breaks, looking at objects far away for at least 30 seconds. In such an environment your eyes are commonly attempting to focus on things that are fairly far away. I’ve had every medical test done and they’ve all been normal. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Two of the bigger factors for miopia or hipermetropia is the relation between the curve of the cornea and the length of the eye. post-viral syndromes (i. They exist all throughout your body, about a dozen of them. The eye's focusing mechanism is a ring shaped semivoluntary muscle with autonomic innervation. Your eyes evolved to develop in an outdoor environment. This could indicate a different issue from the gas cap. especially in the presence of binocular dysfunction which is quite common to varying degrees. But that article explained quite a bit. And his brother, who also taught in my HS, had the same situation. This is separate to myopia. LCD displays do not save battery from dark mode. h3ll0hanni. The cornea absorbs ultraviolet light very strongly. 3. Anxiety Resource. Touching irritated tissue just makes the irritation worse, because you are very likely to spread the cause of the irritation around (foreign body, dirt, etc) Also your hands are very dirty and spreading bacteria on your eyes would not help. Generally, Lasik is considered very effective and relatively safe. otherwise I'm pretty sure my eyesight would be worse by now, since i stare at screens all day. •. If you feel the urge to run your eyes, it is likely because they are dry and irritated. Chronically rubbing your eyes can have multiple effects on the health of the eye. Blurry vision also occurs when you have an anxiety attack, so it could easily be a side effect. The phone itself is not damaging your eyes unlike UV emissions in sunlight, but staring at a screen tends to dry you out as we don't blink as much when focused on it in that way. 27 just feels right to me. It’s all about symptoms, and yes screen time can cause blurry vision, eye strain, headaches etc. Worsening vision is caused by growth. So, in part, it's a result of a very very narrow definition of "normal vision". meth eyes are a real thing. You can also get these symptoms when reading a book or working on a puzzle. It wasn't seen as "bad eyesight", it was seen as an asset. Anything "close" to your eyes causes the lens of the eye --a muscle-- to flatten. My vision becomes really distorted and it's double for most… I've got a pair of these, I did notice the branding, but I bought them because they fit my giant head better than the others. No, as far as we know it doesn't negatively affect eyesight. Macular degeneration is a disease that affects the retina, which is responsible for focusing images. No. If your eye doctor won't listen, just get your prescription from them and move on. It's so bad I can't even tell you what color is in front of me. My floaters apeared in my vision without any specific reason. Those people never help πŸ˜‰. I'm not sure if all the other symptoms might just be a really bad stress reaction to the dry eyes or if the dry eyes are a symptom of a bigger problem. Those were some bad genes. It can cause eye strain and eye fatigue. it is a myth. Make sure your posture is good (seated or standing) Use an external monitor if you can. The blue light causes the retinal to oxidize, creating “toxic chemical species,” according to Plasma (and CRT's) have contrast ratio's much more similar to that of a VA LCD panel than that of OLED, so this issue shouldn't occur with those displays (unless your eyes are sensitive enough for it to happen with VA LCDs, but this is probably fairly rare). I have seen servicemembers with worse eyes than mine. At 20s it should stop growing cause you stop growing. This can often be associate with brain fog either on its own or after a large amount of stimulation. The dry eye is bad but the fatigue just makes everything so much worse, my quality of life has basically ended. throughout Strabismus is an eye condition in which the eyes are misaligned. Non of which your body can repair like a cut or bruise. if you don't wear glasses, your eye muscles will have to strain and work extra hard to see at all times. Sort by: goodjokesbadjokes. 2 consequences in particular can actually affect your vision long term. If extra reading was the cause the extra ability would logically be verbal. It usually boils down to mishaped eyes, deteriorated lens in the eye, or, more severly, unrepairable nerve damage. Therefore, the image that should be focused on the Retina either focuses too far in front of the Retina, or it focuses behind the eye, which obviously is no use, because you cant use it there. Yvette Cendes, a radio astronomer who specializes in transient signals ranging from "burping" black holes to looking for (natural) radio emission from exoplanets. Let’s talk about the coating a little bit, because I believe it’s just as important as an ACTUAL flicker-free monitor. 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. The problem isn’t the glasses it’s simply human physiology. The warmer the hue of the light being emitted, the easier the viewing experience will be on your eyes. (It is said not properly correcting your vision such as under or over correcting can cause myopia progression, but you are way past that stage if you're on Reddit). eyesight stabilizes when you hit 18. As soon as the needle hits the vein my eyes go blurry and flutter. CEL primarily focuses on things that would impact emissions, so a loose gas cap can certainly trigger it. I’m wondering if anyone knows whether eye strain and not using glasses when you have bad EdibleRandy. A great rule is the 20/20/20 rule. Note that migraines can cause bad vision too! My vision can get very blurry for days before a migraine. It happens when you look at black color at an angle and corners are at an angle to your eyes. Basically, there are a lot of people who have bad eyesight because of too much reading at too young an age. So I’ve been told my vision is bad and I need glasses. Its important also to have good visul habits and try to stay outside at solar light can limit the "grow" of your miopia. AskScience AMA Series: Astronomer here! I am Dr. My vision before was perfect, no glasses needed, overall my vision was very Basically, most common occurences of loss of eyesight aren't due to any damage that can be repaired by our bodies. No monitor type is inherently easier on the eyes. First of all, a lot of bad eyesight comes with age. The part of the retina that Your eyes haven't finished growing yet and your vision will change until they finally do. Yes. Being inside a lot during childhood is bad for eyesight on average. Look for 100% srgb color gamut monitors, those monitors have the older type leds most of the time. I went for an assessment once, and they said, that my vision would return to its worse state when i got older, so I might need glasses again then, but i think it depends on the person and their sight level. A combination between light and dark like a computer screen in a dark room makes your eyes try and grab as much light as possible from around the screen, while immediately next to that darkness, they're trying to cope with, as you say, a bright light source. Basically, they use a laser and remold the cornea of your eye to improve your vision. krokodil2000. Every 20 minutes, look 20ft away for 20 seconds. Continuous eye rubbing can lead to thinning of the corneal tissue, which weakens the cornea and pushes it forward to become more conical. 0 (L) and -14. Humans however have exceptionally good eyesight as it's our primary sense. There is a way to stop myopia progression if it severe. 41. This improved his vision to the point of making him near-sighted. Source please. Bad Eyesight / Anxiety. -4. zsaleeba. The next step you can take is reduced monitor brightness. sleep disorders (sleep apnea, narcolepsy, etc) Its normal big changes while you are teen. You literally cannot improve vision in any manner like that. Clear urine may be a sign you are overhydrating. It may not change your eyesight technically, but atrophied eye muscles can mimic weaker eyesight. If you have extra budget, see Samsung Odyssey G9 to get 140hz and 49in or Alienwaire AW3423DWF for OLED, 175hz. Not wearing glasses can cause eye strain, which can lead to convergence insufficiency (ie needing reading glasses) Edited for clarification. e. I do know that I almost lost my sight a couple of years ago through a chemical accident, I couldn't see at all for a couple of days, and now I'm grateful to have my eyes at all. As you get older you become more hyperopic. Also, eyes have quite a few tendons and tendons don't heal too well. Consult your doctor. Either of these cause it to appear blurry. Ik the title seems a bit clickbaity, but when I look at graph paper or pencil on paper my vision begins to blur, especially blue lines on white… Most mammals have much less acute eyesight than humans, because they rely much more on other senses such as smell and hearing, so they would be less disadvantaged by decreased eyesight. It will, on the other hand, make you less motivated and energised, and uninterested in things that are happening in real life. 2. It can still cause you eye strain, because of the flicker, or just a bad quality panel. It doesn’t affect near/far sightedness. Is because you’re eyesight has accustomed to seeing better. it does not cause damage to your eyes. Your eye shape also changes as you age. . The only thing really is you are causing lots of scatter and aberrations. Mar 19, 2020 Β· SEE RELATED: Does bad eyesight make your eyes look different? Diseases that cause bad eyesight Eye diseases that can cause the deterioration of eyesight include macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and more. And my life has changed ever since. People with health anxiety tend to obsess and hyper focus on every detail. I could still see the movements of my opponents body, even if it was very blurred. Try the sRGB mode if the monitor has it. COVID, flu, etc) any of the many autoimmune diseases could cause these symptoms, though less likely without other associated symptoms. Eyesight has to do with the steepness or flatness of the cornia. People who work outside, have been more into activities than books since a young age (teamsters) have better eyesight. Macular degeneration, and retinal detachment, are commonly associated with this condition. If you just turn on HDR on your monitor, your WHOLE panel will lit at max brightness even in dark scenes, hence causing eye strain. I had glasses all the way until about mid 20s, which is when I finally decided to try Lasik eye surgery. For graphic design, IPS panels are the obvious choice because they have the best color accuracy. Also i think the reason why the AOC monitor dosent look yellow is because the type of led it uses. Better for the battery too! only if your device is an OLED display. A) A tablet/ iPad will allow to zoom into a score. High-myopia, is not just inconvenient, but can potentially, cause blindness. My eye doctor told me you can not hurt your eyesight staring at a TV close or a computer. The surface was shaped weird so he had to wear hard contacts. Colloquially known as a squint and sometimes erroneously as a lazy eye. The rational for most is that over I had poor eyesight for as long as I can remember, and started wearing glasses in the second grade. And he was colorblind. it causes eye strain and maybe headaches for some. s. Well damn, I went and got me some reading glasses cause I thought I was just getting older. Relevant reading. As you grow your eyes change shape and this causes your vision to change. I would always wear contact lenses which would often get punched out but to be honest it wasn't that bad. However that’s a little of misnomer, as while your distance rx is moving to be less, your reading lenses are moving towards more. But glasses actually made my dpdr really fucking bad until a few years ago when I got a new eye doctor and received my first pair of glasses that actually worked the way they’re supposed to. Bad eye-sight is not the death sentence you think it is, not even in ye olden days. Intense blue light however does affect the circadian rhythm - your sleep cycle. They grew up to be doctors. But if by 'better for eyes' you mean less strain/stress to the eyes, then yes dark theme's better if the screen brightness level stays the same. No glasses can’t give you worse eyesight unless you have the wrong perscrip and you are under 18 years old Also the reason you feel like you’re eyesight is worse when not having eyeglasses. I just woke up with them one day. As the eye develops this constant focusing on far objects helps shape the lens, and keeps the muscles that bend the lens strong. Straining your eyes is more likely to damage them than make them stronger. Same thing really, it improves what you want to improve. Glasses (and contact lenses) work by taking the incoming light and refracting it so that the combination of the artificial lens and your natural lens result in a properly focused image. When you do push ups, you tear your muscles and they heal bigger. monitor size is just one of many factors of eye fatigue. Often I feel dizzy and off balance. My prescription is -14. Best way to treat this is the 20-20-20 rule. This is not a place to ask for medical advice or diagnosis. Get some eye drops to lubricate your eyes, this will help with straining and any pain. Myopia and hyperopia are caused by the lens of your eye having the wrong curvature, so that the image entering your eye doesn't focus properly on the optic nerve. A Reddit Community for the Shaky Eye Crew Welcome to r/Nystagmus, your one-stop shop for all things Nystagmus. Take frequent breaks from the computer to rest your eyes at something else for 5 mins, or close your eyes, or get up and walk about. Ultrawide 1440p 144hz. You can then do the same all around the eye, while it’s still closed. Instead, it is the focusing on a near object for long amounts of time that does. Excessive ultraviolet rays can cause irreversible damage to the cornea; the lens absorbs infrared rays, causing the lens to become cloudy; and too much intense visible light can cause damage to the retina. The rule I've heard is 20-20-20. You will need to consider: Viewing distance, ambient lighting, ambient noise, posture, and refresh rate. They're called sphincters; they stay contracted almost all the time, and they don't get fatigued. • 6 yr. I have brain problems because of insomnia. They also mention that there is no evidence to suggest that wearing glasses or contact lenses causes the eyesight to get worse over time. Not really, no. You should look at the monitor from the center not slightly above if you want to reduce IPS glow. Foods our eyes love include leafy greens, eggs, nuts, and seafood. Prescription glasses don’t do anything to your eye. Found out right before graduation that my eyesight would keep me from enlisting. When I was young I had an optometrist who explained it quite succinctly. This also seems to be within the realm of possibility, but some cultural practices I'm sure minimized the handicap of poor vision such as trapping or fishing rather than hunting/stalking which require good vision. ago. 5(R) and my eyesight corrects to 20/20 with no other eye issues. As the title suggests, my eyesight becomes really bad when using heroin, like really bad. Every 20 minutes look at something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. 4K For a good list compiled by a redditor, see here for considerations and recommendations. As a person ages, their ability to accommodate or focus at near reduces. So, there's no negative pressure to prevent poor eyesighted people from reproducing, so those genes stay. Sometimes I take an abortive just to fix my blurry vision. This change in shape of the lens is what allows us to focus up close, a process called accommodation. In hyperopes (opposite of myopes) it also helps them focus in the distance. In the lab, when cells from the eye were exposed to blue light directly—in theory, mimicking what happens when we stare at our phone or computer screens—the high-intensity waves trigger a chemical reaction in the retinal molecules in the eye. Myth - Wearing eyeglasses will weaken the eyes: The eyeglasses worn to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or presbyopia will not weaken the eyes any more than they will permanently "cure" these kinds of vision problems. If I close my left eye i only see everything as a blur. After months of vision therapy with an eye specialist and effexor medication, things have gotten a lot better. Interesting that a child's exposure to sunlight can effect the development of the eyes and lead to myopia. -8 and -8. Mine feel like a deep pain and pressure behind the eye and it never gets better. Combine with squeezing eyes shut for 20 seconds 4+ times a day to work those muscles. You'll get through it. Wide color gamut monitors cause eyestrain for some people, and the AOC has 120% srgb. Hope this helps. Reply. schirmer and ABRSM scores have quite large print. If you check the high refresh rate BenQ xl2411z, people claim to have eye strain from it, which is unfortunate. Reading, in itself does not damage your eyesight. We need to take things in our own hands, and stop blaming masturbation for our shitty lives. People often get eye strain from oversaturated DCI-P3 colors. Staring at a computer all day may be the cause. I wondered if my bad eyesight for the first 6 years of my life is the cause for my terrible anxiety. I think the most fundamental aspect of the poor vision handicap is that one would not recognize friend or foe at 20 paces or so. As I recall it's about 7 points higher in non verbal IQ as well, which also doesn't put extra reading in the frame for the cause of both. AMA! Best combos of performance and value. Same goes for Phones, PCs, Laptops, everything with a flat Throw in some light sensitivity, neck pain, nasal congestion and nausea for extra fun! Me too! It sucks: ( but hang in there. The passing of things genetically are influenced by whether or not the source of the genes reproduces: bad eyesight isn't enough to prevent people from reproducing (and, many will joke it helps reproduction, if you know what I mean). Many people with bad eyesight would have better eyesight if they lived 10000 years ago. However if the eye is phycially damaged it can heal itself ADHD. So even though you might feel anxious as F, dont quit yet. Depending on how far off the prescription is, it is more likely to just give you a headache and nausea. This will cause them to weaken. The thing you need to do is find a good optician since you have Yes. Thank you for the answer. Maybe it's a combination of lots of things but regardless I'm noticing my eyesight is degenerating, and it is doing so at an alarming enough rate that I'm actually noticing. • 3 yr. That said, I recovered from my dpdr much faster after that and it’s hardly been a problem since. So to a degree you are correct, you’re not relying on your distance lenses as much as you were before as your prescription has ‘lessened’. Reply reply. Whether you're newly diagnosed, a seasoned nystagmus veteran, or just curious about this unique visual condition, this community is here to offer support, information, and a place to connect with others who understand. It's almost a year of me having them, and i learned so much about them, that i wish i didn't. Eye bags appear as a result of tissue or muscles This is a well known issue, Chronic insomnia causes all kinds of medical problems including diabetes. I don't know about smoking itπŸ˜„. This only works when the muscles holding the eye in place need to be strengthen and usually cause drifting and bad astigmatism. I have terrible eye sight, nearly -6 in both eyes. Poor Diet. So I close my eyes, and start by massaging around my eyes- temples, eyebrows. A bad diet is bad for your eyes. So, staring at a monitor at the same distance can make your eyes sore, similarly to how your arm will get sore holding it up in the air. It's not the reason you're wearing glasses. The research on this show some improvement, however it is not clear if actually improve eyesight or if the subjects get better at "reading blurry things". Get computer glasses to help block blue light from the computer, this will help with straining again. Please do not make posts asking if you have strabismus. It makes absolutely p. 4. My parents found out when I was 6 years old that I have +7 vision and I started becoming more sociable as soon as I got glasses. However modern IPS panels offer the best combination of response time and color accuracy, making them the best option for most gamers. But humans aren't average there's always exceptions. Because poor vision is largely a result of some environmental aspect common to the developed world. As time passed, i got more and more of them. They didn't detect it because unlike most lazy eyes my right eye follows my left eye and doesn't wander. I've been tested for Sjögrens and came back negative, plus I don't have a dry mouth. A neurologist prescribed the effexor to try and prevent vestibular migraines which he thought was. 5. However, the constant flickering of the screen can certain cause eye strain for some. It goes away in a minute. " The children you talked about have muscle development issues and by patching we force the eye/brain “muscle” to strengthen. The overuse of the eye's focusing mechanism is not good for it. There's nothing in nature that works like that, so your eyes aren't built to deal with it. And a backlighting illuminating it all, so now you just get shot at with photons but they arent dangerous in any way. Masturbation won't give you bad sight, it won't give you pnemonia or cancer. PMO Causes Bad Eyesight ? I’m 18 years old , my parents are both 60 and have better eyesight then me even my twin brother . Also, myopia is strongly heritable, which also puts the mockers on the joint cause theory. There’s also color bit-depth (10bit or more) and volume requirements to actually display real HDR colors. Instead it is called presbyopia. Too much brightness for extended periods of time will cause eye strain and even lead to headaches. I am not sure why the Eyesight warning shows up. My first thought was, 'These dummies will remember their watches from the 9th grade, we'll have sales edge now that their eye sight is going. His eyes really were awful. So I have suffered from very bad anxiety since I can remember. Our eyes aren’t perfect and if you’re constantly looking for flaws in your vision you’re going to find them. I have the same problem, and not much advice. Other artificial tears, like systane, blink, or refresh cannot be overdosed - but if you have bad dry eye, there are better solutions to the problem - so book an appt with your optometrist :) Edit - cannot be overdosed, unless you are going through 1 bottle every two days and have preservative sensitivities. The fatigue and strain of staring at a screen with reduced blinking for hours a day Other folk have commented on your eyesight not being as bad as theirs, I don't know about that. blind in one eye, 20/100 vision in the other, with a very narrow (15deg) visual field. There are also theories that the heavy emphasis on reading our culture imposes on young children also affects their eyesight in a detrimental manner. This is very unpleasant and can leave your eyes feeling strained for days on end. Just avoid the people that don't get/understand migraines. It is very hard to eliminate that because by the time it shows up, the genes have already been passed on. As pointed out by others, the CEL should reset itself, if you can't connect through the OBDII port. Get the biggest scores/ editions possible. • 12 yr. Not really. I suspect there is a cut off at which point it won't give you any substantial benefit to eye strain. My right eye is much worse than my left. IPS is the correct choice for graphic design. That's why it's so important to treat insomnia early and stay with the treatment to avoid the permanent damage insomnia can do by triggering secondary diseases and conditions. No glasses. However still keep it away from children below 13 (it can cause strain) To begin, the idea that being close to the screen worsens your eyesight is outdated medical advice that has been proven wrong, though many people still continue to believe it. I've spent my life fixed to a computer screen. Specifically a savanna. The vision specialist thought I had issues with my eyes, still not sure which one really was the root cause The American Academy of Ophthalmology states that wearing glasses for myopia does not make the condition worse and is, in fact, the most common way to correct myopia. Rates of nearsightedness are much, much lower in preindustrialized countries. Reply reply Glasses with the wrong prescription can cause strain on your eyes, which in theory might cause damage from them trying to compensate for the incorrect prescription. There are some apps that will do the scrolling for you either on a timer or with a foot pedal. Based on the limited information you provided in this post, you may have a degree of Aniseikonia. 75 in both eyes, and my vision is the best in my family. Spending more time outdoors in your developmental years, and certain specialty contact lenses may also help. I have no memories of ever seeing out of 2 eyes so it doesn't really bother me cause I honestly don't know any better Typically exactly that - your long days of screen time and work that reduce your blink rate, reduces full closure of the eye, and dries your eyes. So be warned. Your eyes cannot get "bigger" muscles. only if your device is an OLED display. Then he had to wear glasses to correct the near-sightedness. jj tu nb ei na mk ic ny av pm