
Dynamic table name in mysql stored procedure

  • Dynamic table name in mysql stored procedure. Advanced Search. Issue description: I want to read table, view names and package names in a file my plan to find the table name is : search "From" key word find the table or view To find the packge name : Search "Package (5 Replies) It would be possible to create a piece of SQL code (as a stored procedure for example) that would generate this SQL query dynamically by first querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA to retrieve the columns names, and using the results to build the query text. tables WHERE table_schema='conntrack') B ON A. Date: November 14, 2006 10:48AM. As a workaround: You should create 3 procedures instead of only 1. DELIMITER //. MySQL 8. Changing the default delimiter – learn how to change the SET @SQLQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @TableName + ' WHERE EmployeeID = @EmpID'. The insert statement is like. 13 on windows (just for local dev). data types of the columns of the 'SELECT' result set. Feb 16, 2017 · This is because the dynamic SQL execution doesn't have any access to local variables in your stored procedure. -- We need to create a dynamic query and Execute it as shown below. As currently written, it will update all rows. The procedure is something like: CREATE PROCEDURE myProc @table_name varchar(1024) AS. A dynamic SQL query can solve to problem of creating 'temporary' tables with variable names (i. So you need to create a dynamic SQL statement and make the stored procedure prepare the CREATE TABLE statement at runtime: BEGIN. An SP cannot be optimized with a dynamic table name, so many DBs, MySQL included, don't allow table names to be specified dynamically. DELIMITER |. May 27, 2018 · Next up there's the issue of using the same names for your parameters and the column names in your table. b. What is the use of PREPARE and EXECUTE in the bellow statements because i am going to use this to write a procedure to select all from particular table, but i am going to pass the table name in the parameter dynamically and using that parameter value the select query has to perform. Jul 31, 2023 · In this example, we use the CONCAT function to construct the dynamic SQL statement. SET @sql = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages Jun 4, 2012 · DECLARE @Customer TABLE ( Name varchar(32) not null ) Notice that a temp table is declared using # and a table variable is declared using a @. Apr 9, 2021 · You have used a single quote that breaks your syntax here in the CONCAT function. November 14, 2006 08:56PM 3. So is it possible to write a common procedure and pass the database name dynamically and qualify the tables to get the output. 1 day ago · Passing a variable table name in a MySQL stored procedure can be useful when you want to create a dynamic query that can work with different tables. preparable_stmt is either a string literal or a user variable (not a local variable, an SQL expression or a subquery) that contains the text of the statement. Metadata about the number of columns and their data types. The trigger cache does not detect when metadata of the underlying objects has changed. you should wrap your sql query in an nvarchar and then execute that query as in the below example : declare @sql nvarchar(max) declare @TableName nvarchar(max) set @TableName = 'mytable'. The above gets created, but always tries to select from the table "RuleTable" which does not exist. dbo. Variable definition of variables, that is, "DECLARE. Jun 30, 2020 · MySQL query to create table dynamically - For this, you can use stored procedure. Sep 15, 2015 · Call this stored procedure by giving desire column name and it will return only data for that column: 1. Temporary tables/views generator Write a stored procedure to generate temporary tables or views for your dynamic queries. This is why I'm using a stored procedure to dynamically create the tables. Jul 29, 2013 · DECLARE @stored_procedure_name sysname; SET @stored_procedure_name = 'some_stored_procedure_name'; DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max); SET @sql = 'DROP PROCEDURE ' + QUOTENAME(@stored_procedure_name) EXEC sp_executesql @sql Slightly more complex version with schema name variable, QUOTENAME and test for the existence of the stored procedure. `delProc`(tblName VARCHAR(20),sr INT) BEGIN DELETE FROM tblName WHERE srno=sr; SET @num := 0; UPDATE tblName SET srno = @num := (@num+1); ALTER TABLE tblName AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; END$$ DELIMITER ; Apr 20, 2014 · i am creating a dynamic query in stored procedure. create procedure CheckRec (IN Rule INT, IN origin INT, IN RuleTable varchar (25), IN min INT) BEGIN. Dec 24, 2019 · As I mentioned earlier, the sp_executesql stored procedure is used to execute dynamic SQL queries that are in the form of a string. SQL SECURITY INVOKER. DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR select_statement . My current idea for the stored procedure uses an input variable declares a cursor (using the var) create a temp table (using the var) iterates through the temp table write data to a new table Nov 6, 2011 · It was however closed and the replies that resolved that issue are now suffering from broken link syndrome. /* SOME INSTRUCTIONS */. The simple solution is to let the query optimizer take care of optimizing away the unnecessary conditons, which it does automatically. I have discovered through other posts that you can't pass table names into functions, because functions can't execute dynamic SQL, but you can pass them Jul 21, 2018 · However, in addition to the table name, your procedure design also allows you to supply conditions that limit the results from the target table. SET @droptable = CONCAT ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", tbname); This stored procedure will produce output that you may use to create a report. This support takes advantage of the efficient client/server binary protocol. How dynamic tables work. Ensure the variable name adheres to MySQL table column naming rules. If you don't use SELECTINTO, then it'll generate a result set and the stored procedure will return that. Go read about the difference between table variables and temp tables. CREATE PROCEDURE test_prepare(IN tablename varchar(255), columnname varchar(50)) BEGIN. Mar 28, 2011 · In order to achieve this, you should use Dynamic SQL. The parameter name must follow the naming rules of the column name in MySQL. Benefits and features. So if you have an SQL query that you write over and over again, save it as a stored procedure, and then just call it to execute it. Rob Gravelle demonstrates a solution for passing MySQL dynamic field names to the group_concat function using a combination of stored proc input parameters, string concatenation, and prepared statements. Second, define the data type and length of the variable. Basic MySQL Stored procedures. For one possible solution to this, see this answer. I do a select on the table to see if there are any records matching the string and, if so, I was to report out the id of the query. The procedure accepts a table name as input parameter. Either select the column you want using the cursor as. Calculating results Dec 29, 2015 · I have create procedure and when i pass table name manually then its working fine, but when i pass dynamic table name then it says dbname. DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1. May 23, 2012 · It is possible to create table and some other objects from the procedure -. Feb 10, 2022 · I'm creating a MySQL database to store data of tables which columns can change. I've opened all the SP creation query and changed. SET @sql = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE ', tableName, '(column1 INT(11))'); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; More information about supported DML statements here - SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements. As a workaround, you can store the results of the dynamic SQL statement in session variables instead of local variables. INSERT INTO Table1 SELECT * from Table2. Posted by: Michael Gargiullo. Now I need to populate those tables with numbers from an application. I made a mistake while forming the SQL query to be executed using exec(@sql). Pleasev try this - CONCAT(“max(IF(‘pname’=”,pname,'', contents,NULL). CALL is not a select_statement. I am taking the table name as an input parameter to the stored procedure so that I'm planning to insert the data into the temp table and display the same. My procedures allow creating, for example, a table with three double columns "ColumnA", "ColumnB" and "ColumnC". But in your case, there seems to be no need for a cursor. Stored Procedure: A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that are stored in the database and can be executed multiple times with different input parameters. Instead of putting the variable @a into the concat literally, you need to include it as part of the string text. Jan 17, 2013 · To make a string represent a table (or database) name you will need to concat your query string with the variable and prepare/execute a statement right in the stored procedure. IBM Datastudio has a fully-fledged stored procedure debugger, i. // If you need to know the column names then you can loop through the Columns of the resultTable. An automated refresh process executes this query regularly and updates the dynamic table with the changes made to the base objects. Hope it will be helpful to you. (User-defined variables start with an @ character; procedure variables are variable names declared within a MySQL stored program, and do not start with an @ character. How to do this ? CREATE PROCEDURE 'searchInvoice' ( OUT numOfRecords INT ) BEGIN DECLARE query1 TEXT; DECLARE query2 TEXT; SET query1 = 'SELECT COUNT(*) bla bla bla. Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Nov 6, 2011 · It was however closed and the replies that resolved that issue are now suffering from broken link syndrome. The stored procedure takes no input arguments, create a temp table and return a table name of the table as T_1, T_2, T_3. This is just a tiny code block of my project stored procedure. May 1, 2015 · SELECT table_name FROM information_schema. Something like this: CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `func`(type VARCHAR(15)) BEGIN. -- Counts the number of rows from any non-system Table, *SAFELY*. tables WHERE table_schema='conntrack'; You could then line up the tables that exist against the tabidx table. Exec sp_executesql @sql. November 14, 2006 12:11PM Re: Can I use a dynamic table name To declare a variable inside a stored procedure, you use the DECLARE statement as follows: In this syntax: First, specify the name of the variable after the DECLARE keyword. You don't technically need to prepare it in the stored procedure if you ONLY send strictly typed input variables in the parameter list. Taking this idea one step further, you can create another account with very limited permissions, and add EXECUTE AS to your stored procedure to run that code under the very limited account. Here is an example of a stored procedure that dynamically generates an SQL May 5, 2015 · Then call doing this: CALL `lms`. DECLARE @Nval INT. 1. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' , @tableName, '` (. table_name; Mar 4, 2019 · Concatenating unfiltered strings together is a vulnerable to a SQL Injection attack. Key Concepts. BEGIN. DECLARE @ActualTableName AS NVarchar(255) SELECT @ActualTableName = QUOTENAME( TABLE_NAME ) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA. The table name and value are stored in variables and concatenated into the SQL string. It accepts two arguments; The survey id (745) and the language (en). Dynamic Queries are not embedded in the source program but stored as strings that are manipulated during program’s run time. It is clear from your SQL composition that you will pass SQL-like clauses, such as foo = 1 AND bar = 'hello world' , and that you use them in a WHERE clause in your composed SQL string. May 8, 2021 · Debugging stored procedures. I am using this code:- The stored procedure name is GetAllCustomers() which returns all rows in the customers table from the sample database. One, is to build up the query yourself and execute it. Dynamic SQL statements may change from one execution to the next without manual intervention. ASPECT #2 : Triggers should be able to be rolled back. SET @sort = " order by name asc"; . DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `exampleOfPrepareStatement`; CREATE DEFINER = `user`@`%` PROCEDURE `exampleOfPrepareStatement`(inTableName VARCHAR(100)) MODIFIES SQL DATA. '; // Query1 to select the count of matching tuples. Re: Can I use a dynamic table name in stored procedure Can I use a dynamic table name in Dec 25, 2021 · Bottom line: We still need cursors to be able to be created dynamically! Here's an example of using a view to pass the table name and column name into a cursor. Table2 has a variable name, depending on the date the procedure is called, like table_201410 , if the procedure was called in October 2014. It will copy the answers from the survey table to the survey_report table if the answer is type S or K. Michael Gargiullo. DECLARE num INT; Select count (*) into num from RuleTable where origin_id_i=origin and date_time > (now () - INTERVAL 9. Please advise me how to do this. Variables can have any MySQL data type, such Description. Soevery month, the procedure should make Apr 23, 2010 · April 23, 2010. (Table SCORE is passed as input parameter). Jul 2, 2017 · 1. Oct 25, 2016 · I am writing a stored-procedure. 15 and am playing around with stored procedures, but have a problem and don't know how to proceed. Add a comment. ConnectionString; var resultTable = p. If you opt for that method, be very certain to santise your input. Introduction to MySQL stored Procedures – introduce you to MySQL stored procedures, their advantages, and disadvantages. Although there is no direct support for dynamic declaration of column and table names in MySQL stored procedures, by utilizing Mar 7, 2011 · In the example we are simply generating a stored procedure which takes a single parameter, a table name. ID; OR. May 26, 2016 · I've renamed the table using below query. It parses the column name in the survey table to get the qid. Jul 3, 2018 · The parameters will simply be min (the minimum number), max (the maximum number), and tablename (the name of the table to check to see if the id produced by the rand() function already exists). May 2, 2017 · In the sproc, I'm passing in the name of the table and a randomly generated string. Nov 30, 2019 · You can to pass the table name as variable use dynamic SQL to perform whatever you wish to do. Instead, whenever possible, use bind parameters and pass the values in. New Topic. I have a very simple test where I want to return all rows from a table, but I want to be able to specify with the SP a dynamic table name: tbl_mytbl_uk, tbl_mytbl_us etc etc. But i need help to slove the below issue. Let’s see this in action. The fact that you need to write the query like this suggests improper normallization of your data. names derived off the unique 'main' table names). Aug 11, 2017 · ASPECT #1 : Functions are supposed to be DETERMINISTIC. Note that you cannot open a cursor using Dynamic SQL either. Is there a way to know which SP has queries that reference old_name table? Jun 2, 2015 · var connectionString = builder. WHERE. I wanna get the result of this query into a out parameter. e. tblname doesn't exist. Dec 31, 2010 · I can have the same procedure in all the databases and get the result. You can also pass parameters to a stored procedure, so that the stored procedure can act based on the Dec 3, 2020 · SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here INSERT INTO Reporting. FROM Employees ORDER BY '+ @OrderByClause+''. my stored procedure is as follows: CREATE PROCEDURE `test1`(IN tab_name VARCHAR(40),IN w_team VARCHAR(40)) BEGIN SET @t1 =CONCAT("SELECT * FROM ",tab_name," where team=",w_team); PREPARE stmt3 FROM @t1; EXECUTE stmt3; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt3; END when i try to run it with the following call: Aug 12, 2016 · Here's a simple naive example: CREATE PROC spCountAnyTableRows( @PassedTableName as NVarchar(255) ) AS. A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code that you can save, so the code can be reused over and over again. sp_executesql @sql. Run the following script: 1. I have a stored procedure in MySQL that calls a function that inserts values into a table. Apr 1, 2016 · Imagine that I have several dynamic table names such as : select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Nov 25, 2014 · Dynamic SQL is a programming technique that enables us to write SQL statements dynamically at run time. But the table name is dynamic in this procedure. WL#3433: Stored Procedures: Dynamic Cursors. But I want a single procedure which would take the database name dynamically and get the requered result. SET @tableName = tblName; SET @q = CONCAT('. SET @table_name = table_name; SET @keyField = keyField; SET Oct 25, 2011 · Dynamic table names are usually a bad idea: it is better to make 1 big table, and add an extra (indexed) column for the "virtual table name". Prepared statements can be used both as a standalone SQL statement and inside stored procedures, providing flexibility in different contexts. SET @s = CONCAT ('SELECT * FROM authors Apr 25, 2014 · I want to create temp tables which have different table names. When creating a dynamic table, you specify the query used to transform the data from one or more base objects or dynamic tables. SELECT B. Even if you know your application will only give 'real' column names, what if some-one finds a crack in Mar 8, 2012 · Now, I try to run this stored procedure with a hard-coded temporary table name, and access the temporary table data , the multi-threaded simultaneous calls corrupts the data. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `sp_test_dynamic_sql`\\. I want to get row number from my variable table. Database Research & Development: Demonstration for dynamic SQL using Feb 7, 2023 · The get_all_cars procedure is now saved in the database, and when called, it will execute the saved statement as is. 6864. DECLARE @SQL_QUERY NVARCHAR(128) SET @SQL_QUERY = N'SELECT id, name, price FROM Books WHERE price > 4000 '. date = B. DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `lmsonline`. I wanna change dynamicaly name of table in sql query. Nov 14, 2006 · Can I use a dynamic table name in stored procedure. The procedure should have three OUT parameters which will print the status_message as “Success”, status_code as “0” and “output_table”. @name = As you can see the variable @type get's the right value(cms_module), but when i try to use that value as an tablename i get unknown collumn, while there sure is an collumn name in the table cms_module. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test_prepare//. Jun 20, 2013 · 4. Third, define the data type and maximum length of the parameter. For dynamic SQL we need to generate the SQL, then prepare a statement for execution (PREPARE), execute (EXECUTE) the statement and then cleanup (DEALLOCATE PREPARE). Within your procedure, you may be able to use Pass in the ORDER BY clause as a parameter to the stored procedure. Result Set from a 'SELECT' in a variable, not a SELECT. CALL usp_GetEmployeeDetailsDynamic ('EmpName'); Delete all duplicates rows except one in SQL Server Enable and Disable Foreign key and Check constraint in SQL Server. 2 EXECUTE Statement. Things like changing charcter sets / collations come to mind but usually in procedures there is logic involved and that logic differs from table to table. If you for some reason does not want to install it (or like me, can not find the download page:-), you can use the DBMS_OUTPUT module: Sep 11, 2017 · 2. ID;) but fetching only 1 value as. 3 DEALLOCATE PREPARE Statement. Thank you, Dec 16, 2018 · I am running the latest MySQL server 8. The purpose of using stored procedures is to prevent SQL injection using strictly typed data. Because I don't know which SP has a query that reference old_name table. Third, Click the Apply button, MySQL Workbench will open a new window for reviewing SQL script before applying it to the database: Mar 16, 2018 · Sample for preparing dynamic query. INSERT INTO tableName VALUES (message); END; I need to change tableName in runtime, Can I to do it or not? In this section, you will learn about MySQL stored procedures and how to define stored procedures for your database. This ensures they're properly escaped and quoted and won't be misinterpreted either accidentally or maliciously. DELIMITER \\. Here's a basic example. Using prepared statements with placeholders for parameter values has the following benefits: Less overhead for parsing the statement each time Dec 2, 2011 · You can do what you want in a stored procedure if you concatenate the parts of the SQL query together as a string, and then PREPARE and EXECUTE that string as an SQL statement. Write a dynamic sql by constructing the Aug 28, 2023 · Advanced Technique: Stored Procedures for Dynamic SQL. `leads_to_bak`('table1', 'table2') replacing the strings with your own. Jan 6, 2014 · First up as mentioned by @eggyal this isn't the best way to go about things. c. if @type="asc" THEN. To execute saved stored procedures, you can use the CALL SQL command followed by the procedure name. It's like it's executing the dynamic SQL statement in a different scope. One way around this is to use Dynamic SQL. Stored procedures don't allow you to combine variables into SQL identifiers. I'm trying to pass the table name as a parameter so I can use one stored proc with several tables. DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM t1 WHERE t1. delimiter // CREATE PROCEDURE dynamicQuery(IN TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(64), IN COL_NAME VARCHAR(64)) BEGIN SET @q = CONCAT('SELECT ',COL_NAME,' FROM ',TABLE_NAME ); PREPARE stmt FROM @q; EXECUTE stmt ; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END // delimiter ; Nov 7, 2005 · I've just installed v5. CallReportProcedure(connectionString, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), new DateTime(2015, 5, 1), "GMC", "GM"); // Bind the resultTable to your DataGrid. set @sql = 'Select * from ' + @TableName. My tables 0. Try running the newly created procedure like so: CALL get_all_cars; Feb 14, 2017 · 1. Sep 2, 2014 · As you can understand from the title I want to create a temp table by using a dynamic select statement. This worked for me. Pro's and con's of dynamic table names. Jul 7, 2011 · 10. All you need to do is to prepare and execute a statement. DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE createTable(IN tableName VARCHAR(40)) Oct 4, 2005 · Here's a couple ways to handle a stored procedure which uses an input parameter in a prepared statement. DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE createTable(IN tableName VARCHAR(40)) Mar 4, 2017 · You cannot change table names in statement preparation, only parameter values. a. . 15. 32866. CREATE PROCEDURE drop_create(IN tbname VARCHAR(15)) BEGIN. If a trigger uses a table and the table has changed since the trigger was loaded into the Jun 17, 2016 · Write a procedure using dynamic SQL as follows. As I mentioned before you'd get away with it in this instance, however MySQL will prioritise the parameter name over the column name when it determines which is being used and this can lead to problems when parameters are used in a SELECT Dec 18, 2011 · The objective is to alter a query string within a Mysql stored procedure based on input variables. Let us create a table dynamically with two columns i. I am calling the procedure like: EXEC TEST. But it can be done by using prepared statements. In this syntax, First, specify the parameter mode, which can be IN , OUT or INOUT depending on the purpose of the parameter in the stored procedure. SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @columnName + ' FROM yourTable'. Prepared statement is the preparation in which database prepares (explain) plan for executing this query in advance and uses this the same prepared plan for query execution with different parameters. I am having the same problem as the original poster, namely that my variable doesn't resolve and my stored procedure keeps creating tables called 'tableName' here's my sp. In the stored procedure, build up the SQL statement in a string and then execute this statement using EXEC or sp_ExecuteSql. TABLES where table_name like 'ifhcraw%'; ifhcraw_2016_03_25_13 ifhcraw_2016_03_26_19 The demonstration uses MySQL user-defined variables (sometimes called "session" variables), as opposed to procedure variables. 0 provides support for server-side prepared statements. -- Concatenate SQL statement and input parameters before PREPARE. Also be careful of SQL injection vulnerabilities when adding a table name dynamically to an SQL query, because escaping functions May 5, 2016 · I want to drop and create a table with name passed in the stored procedure argument. This advanced technique allows you to build dynamic queries that adapt to different scenarios. ALTER TABLE old_name RENAME new_name But there are many stored procedures that reference 'old_name'. However, make sure that your application does not allow a user to directly enter the value of @TableName, as this would make your query susceptible to SQL injection. 5. LiaisonAlarmes SELECT * FROM [WIN-9SEBDMDC9O9_HMI#B5N2_ALG_202012020924]. It's actually quite rare that you would do same things on all tables in a procedure. 0. answered. SET @cartName = cartName; SET @getTable1 =. Suppose that instead of putting all users inside one table, users Also you cannot use stored procedures CALL with CURSOR FOR. FETCH cur INTO str; Solution. You can do this in a couple of ways. But where will I set @rownumber with return of select query? Create Nov 14, 2006 · MySQL Forums Forum List Can I use a dynamic table name in stored procedure --> SOLVED. CREATE DATABASE db1; USE db1; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS drop_create; DELIMITER $$. UPDATE: Based on your comment below you are actually trying to create tables in a stored procedure. myProc nameOfTable. CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_test_dynamic_sql` (_min int, _max int) BEGIN. The query optimizer is tasked with determining how to find the rows. We dynamically access the information of that table and return the results. Section 1. SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ',newsInfoTable,' WHERE newsServiceName=?;'); PREPARE s1 from @sql; Dec 23, 2014 · SET @s = CONCAT('UPDATE ',@table,' SET ', @columns); I suspect you also need to add a WHERE clause to this SQL so it just updates the row for the given ID. that's hard-coded in the DECLARE CURSOR statement. If i understand your code correctly, you can just use user variables and probably achieve what you are trying to do using 2 Dynamically prepared statements. Jul 24, 2010 · Hi I am new to Unix shell scripting. For example I have next stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE NewProc(IN tableName varchar(64),IN message text) BEGIN. What I have so far is: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetRecordID ( IN formSecret_In varchar(50), IN tablename_In varchar(200), OUT id_Out Jul 17, 2015 · This is because you are selecting all columns from table t1 as. you can set breakpoints, inspect variables, etc. Stored procedures in MySQL can be used to dynamically generate and execute SQL statements based on runtime conditions. id = OLD. 2. First of all, if you want to know if the first SELECT query returned any results, use SELECT COUNT(*) and store it in a user-defined variable. In other words, things like table names must be set before the query is parsed. Nov 14, 2006 · MySQL Forums Forum List » Stored Procedures. table_name FROM (SELECT date FROM tabidx) A INNER JOIN (SELECT table_name FROM information_schema. Second, provide the name of the parameter. But FWIW, I would just do it in PHP. Dec 14, 2012 · I wanted to set the table name and field dynamically in a query as @kyle asked, but I also wanted to store the result of that query into a variable @a within the query. Session variables have the @ prefix. Here is my codes: declare strwhere varchar(30); if hour(now()) >= 16 and minute(now()) Oct 11, 2016 · I am trying to create a dynamic stored procedure for table name only, I mean when I call the stored procedure with table name as parameter it should be display all details of given table name. StudentId as int, whereas StudentName as varchar −mysql> DELIMITER $$ mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE creatingDynamicTableDemo (yourTableName VARCHAR (200)) -> BEGIN -> SET @name = yourTableName; . I have a small stored procedure below. Here is the code that i wrote : Nov 26, 2018 · How to create stored procedure with dynamic table names and select content from another table with specific date range?its not working when use java Ask Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago 81. Variable Table Name Sep 5, 2017 · The account running any dynamic SQL queries should be locked down so that it won't be able to perform any operations you don't want it to do. I have a stored procedure, and I would like to assign the number of rows of that table to a variable and later use that variable. I've written following stored procedure. I. The datetime data (column named 'LastUpdated') i tried to insert without quotes (string n date type data should be in quotes for insert). You tell the server what you want to find, rather than how to find it. SQL is a declarative language. log-bin-trust-function-creators. The PREPARE statement prepares a statement and assigns it a name, stmt_name, by which to refer to the statement later. How do I do this or do I have to create one SP per table I want to check. This automated process computes the changes that were made Apr 11, 2023 · Sorry for the delayed reply. SET @type = type; -- Check for the sort parameter. If you really need dynamic tables, you'll have to concat the table name into the PREPARE itself. MySQL Forums Forum List Can I use a dynamic table name in stored procedure. AlgRtTextsFRA END But i want to dynamically name the [WIN-9SEBDMDC9O9_HMI#B5N2_ALG_202012020924] part of the request. 3. TABLES. Mar 18, 2016 · I generate a dynamic query in My sql Stored procedure. Statement names are not case sensitive. iy cr ws vi ny vl xt jv xe yn