Best ao3 fanfics reddit. Izuku becomes a vigilante after inko dies, and sorta just messes with everyone around him. Thanks in advance! Share. net. AO3 is filled with My Hero Academia fanfictions and I It’s a fun read, and stays relatively lighthearted. here’s my ao3 collection. Ao3 This is by far the best Johnlock fic I have read. roselylia. As Exalted said, it’s really one of the great fanfics out there, with a sociopath Vanguard Shepard. I'll Meet You at the Bottom ( FFN, AO3) 187k, Complete. It’s one of my favorite a/b/o fics of all time, and I know nothing about Ragnarok or gaming. Option Three for Easy Mode by muuchan. The best HP fanfic (to me): Fantastic Elves and Where To Find Them by evansentranced. 18K subscribers in the BokunoheroFanfiction community. Quirk Theory (My Hero Academia) Mineta Minoru is Expelled from U. Snape acts like a real bastard but it was refreshing to read after all those Severitus fics that have Snape turn into best dad ever within 24 hours. temporal tide -tanya x bella haven't read but Top of list. • 1 yr. This is because they are of extremely high quality (particularly linkao3 (Blood and Gold by ObsidianPen ) is the only fic I follow that's AO3 exclusive (afaik). All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. The Rigel Black Chronicles is by far my favourite fanfic. Hopefully you find something to enjoy. Belle Chose by cal1brations. Absolutely nonsensical pairing - Lavender Brown/Tom Riddle - chucked into a common for the fandom trope - Time Travel - with a small twist - post-hogwarts, pre-voldemort; late 40s, Borgin & Burkes employee Tom era - and a nice dash of character exploration. Pokemon Radiant Sun - Novelization of Pokemon Sun. We are proactive and innovative in protecting and defending our work from commercial exploitation and legal challenge. It just looks like you're reading a document. 4. Thank you for sharing. Death by tmb112 642k words it's recently completed, yesterday lol, only an epilogue left I think. Don't Do Brains! The only Worm fanfic to horrify me as much as canon did. Also, check out the sequel, it's really great. At the Brink of Midnight by ForDarkIsTheSuede. Hello Cultivators (and happy common folks), since a lot of us are thouroughly in love with MDZS and can't get enough of the characters, one major way we all experience more and more of it is through the wonderful very many fanfictions that this community has to offer us. Combat Rock by trailingoff: Mature, First War, my review here . John is a werewolf. It's Finnick's POV on Annie's games and it has an equally good sequel called A View from the Lists. A Handful of Fireflies, which is one of those crack AU taken seriously series and, honest, it's gold. I've used Google Docs following the advice from here about how to format to AO3. My recommendation is for One Step Closer, this story is more focused on Bakugo’s recovery and life after being paralyzed and losing his mobility, here Kirishima is his physical therapist. Of College Loans and Candy Kisses by UnFazed, komahina college au-ish, really really good. Hilarity ensues. Definitely the best asoiaf fanfic I've ever read, possibly even the best fanfic I've read in general. 1)Ned manages to escape King's Landing before his execution. OMORI is a surreal psychological horror RPG Maker game. It’s May 4th, so gimme your best Star Wars fics. Personally, AO3 is the best platform is you're looking for quality. Dost Thou Even Steal Hearts - its a crossover with Persona 5 with Joker getting trapped in the BNHA universe. Home of the magic search button and endless book recommendations as well as discussions about tropes and characters, Author AMAs, book clubs, and more. It's sad, angsty, hard to read, and I love it. It must have more than 5 chapters (its better if it has more) and must be completed, and also their romance shouldn’t be rushed, but neither super slow, and well written. fool me twice by xShieru, saiouma office au, an absolute masterpiece. puts his lips on my neck (makes me wanna give him my body) by xiaoscribbles. I’m looking to read jily-centric fics so if anyone has recommendations please let me know!! r/KavehMains. Scylla and Charybdis by Mithrigil, puella_nerdii: The best Hunger Games fic ever written, (arguably) better than the books. Evidentiary File 142-3b. El Manisero- crack with plot chat fic of how Sero formed a peanut cartel (makes sense in context) Ao3 Boku no Hero Cinema- the hero course students produce a film, with appearances from Aizawa's expelled students. ago. However, in a day like every other, Venice is kidnapped. Harry Potter, caught up in a deadly game of cat and mouse, must decide what he truly believes. I have written some Sonic fanfics you may enjoy: Hindsight: A fluffy lil' oneshot staring Tails and Sonic. Fandom: Jumanji Summary: Russel Van Pelt is not a good man, this Nigel Billingsley knows. Better Than My Best Plans. Animo is plotting his evil scheme, I can't find the book, but I remember there was a secret base and stuff, Oh! and BTW It was a classic ben10 fanfic. Then wilbur and dreams relationship becomes a bit more romantic. The most bookmarked works are often the best (it does tend to skew against short fic though). Lots of humor, angst, hurt/ comfort. We preserve our fannish economy, values, and creative expression by protecting and nurturing our fellow fans, our work, our commentary, our The Many (Attempted) Marriages of the Sun Goddess by ReynaAtTheEnd, an enjoyable harem fic with FemLuffy who was awoken as Nika at the Marineford (before reading this, I despise harem). Oath Breaker - At the start of seventh year, the Malfoys perform a dramatic double-cross against the dark lord and Draco educates Harry in an old scholl of magic. Here you can post fanart, gameplay, build showcases, and anything else related to Kaveh! MembersOnline. It follows a completely new character, but it utilizes Overlord's cast really well. Worth a Shot. You don’t have no know anything about Ragnarok, or like gaming to enjoy this. Rather than be a dark tale of life on the streets, it's a hilarious yet heartfelt story about how Harry carves out an unconventional life for himself. net to read my fanfictions, however something a redditor said in one of my posts caught my attention. If you don't read quickly it should be long, over 250k words, read before you catch up. I'm looking for tips/tricks you guys use to find great fics on AO3. The different fanfiction websites. Or: HC finds XL in Fangxin’s coffin and brings him home to heal. But whether such a scene could truly be called lucky was hard to say. It's 20k words and 3 chapters long, mostly filled with fluff but also has a bit of angst, and I think I might be cried because eof it r/OMORI. I just want a story where the hurt male is found out to be self harming/having suicidal Will he ever Rated M: badass fight scenes, lemons, and harem Percy/Hestia, Hera, Artemis, Piper, Zoë, Bianca, Diana#2, Khione, Chaos#2. My favorite KnY fanfic is one called "How To Be A Good Boyfriend" by Butterfree where Tanjiro and Zenitsu pretend to be a couple because Zenitsu told Gramps he was dating and accidentally said Tanjiro was his bf. I Missed You by Freaky_Fiction. An extremely strong contender for the best fiction I've ever read or consumed, including published works. R. 18+ though, with the genre shift to Fantasy. It’s great if the hurt one is going through self harm, suicidal thoughts/attempt, and/or an eating disorder. you can find me on AO3 at slytherdor99, or via this link. Stealing Harry is a wolfstar Raising Harry fic which is also wonderful. AndTails. I'm falling back to Naruto's rabbit hole with three best long fics, there's not enough hate in my heart by vylat, sentinel-guide with MadaTobi pairing. Sure as the Setting Sun - its a crossover with Mob Psycho 100 with Mob attending UA. Summary: Azula is a recovering drug addict & alcoholic. Viridescent by darkfire1220 most popular one on Fanfiction. Navigate through the vibrant and the mundane in order to uncover a forgotten past. • 2 yr. With almost 3000 pages worth of fanfics on Ao3 and adaptions in all forms, MDZS has a pretty big fanbase. The one in the middle has a sex scene but you can skip this one if you're not interested in that. It's all about Edward coming to terms with his newly awakened sexuality and Bella & Edward making their marriage a healthier place, it is absolutely amazing. Casting Moonshadows is a very piney fic with some VERY dark themes. When the time comes, the path you’ve chosen will determine your fate and perhaps the fate of others as well. Its a great fic and the author had gone through therpy themselves. It felt like I just finished an incredible book that I couldn’t put down. No genderbending. Features incredible worldbuilding, prose, fanart, and complex characters. God Dream gives new member wilbur a blank book that can be used to control the script of the DreamSMP. ) Re:Zero Watching Him Die Again and Again by falling slowly -Rosalie / Bella - haven't finished but was good. It’s complicated but SERIOUSLY good. Kirito builds up a group, and they go around adventuring. edit: found the right place and just wanted to clarify - anime fics are more than welcome! 7 Minutes is an AOT fic 8. Really great exploration of the mind as well as a reaction to it. The Elephant In The Room series: Moriarty recaptures John and leaves him trapped in a world of hallucinations, and Sherlock tries to cure him. I'm a really big time travel gal, so I'll give you my recommendations for the good ones i've read! To Kill You With a Kiss, The Love of a Good Wizard (need an ao3 account for this one), Praeclarus Anguis, When in Rome (complete, the sequel is a WIP that updates pretty regularly), and Wear Me Like a Locket Around Your Throat (WIP, hasn't updated in a couple months). I've been on Wattpad, Fanfiction. If anyone has any as good or better please share here! I'm so addicted lol In Blood Only; it's old and was written before HBP came out, when everyone assumed Snape was a pureblood. Being Sherlock series: Sherlock is a vampire. I prefer more sophisticated writing (less like the stereotypical wattpad writing), I do like a little smut A fan-created, fan-run, nonprofit, noncommercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic more than 65,550 fandoms | 7,112,000 users | 13,060,000 works The Archive of Our Own is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works . if i’m in the wrong place, please point me to the best place to look for stories. Bird is mostly a slow burn, but has some high-intensity parts; specifically a thoroughly terrifying and memorable segment where the main characters are hunted by an escaped Hatchet Face. She also wrote two more sequels ( one complete, and one in progress). Edit: The word count is 45k. See also: r/fanfiction FAQ. Summary: After Kaguya, Tobirama never expected to waken again, let alone as a child with strange non-chakra flames. I also have another one to recommend, a Percabeth AU called 'Better Than My Best Plans' on Archive of our Own/Ao3. One Hour by MistbornMayhem. And SO, I have created this post so people can comment about their favourite fanfic to spread the word of fanfics you think are a must read and to help fellow Summary: Deep within a tomb that housed a forgotten fallen god, the god’s bad luck finally faltered in the face of his devoted believer’s good luck. An unofficial sub devoted to AO3. It Gets Better. Here's one called "The escape" I really like it it's about Wilbur going crazy and trying to kill Tommy won't give spoilers there's only 2/10 chapters but I think it's awesome kinda underrated and I totally recommend it it's on ao3 here's link link. If you copy-paste from Google Docs to the Rich Text editor for AO3, it preserves the format pretty well, with the exception of line breaks, in which case I type something like "***" then ctrl+F and replace with a line break. I have scoured the internet for some of the more user friendly and accessible website on which fanfiction is posted. Sakura is captured by Orochimaru, and meets Hidan. What are the big fics of the past couple gens that you feel like fans jumping into the community should at least be aware of? I’m looking for your favourite complete/updating Harry time travel stories featuring Harry going back to his own timeline or to the first war only. It categorises itself as mystery, which is true. Ace of Spades by h1yoko, komahina. net Blues Drive Monsters- canon divergent post high end arc. Canary by cloud_nine_and_three_quarters - Izuku has a quirk where if he sings a Everything Burns by u/kuriousk516. One Piece / 7,252 words / Underwater, Supernatural, Angst, Crew as Family, Satisfying Ending. Dizzy-Concentrate238. • 7 yr. It's a good website but a lot of pairings turns me off. changes -jasper / bella. I usually use Wattpad or fanfiction. The…. My favorite wormfic of all time. Funniest one overall, kinda short Sunny Eats His Violin on a Livestream (NOT CLICKBAIT) - Chapter 1 - Strawbits - OMORI (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own] 48 votes, 18 comments. It's pretty good, incomplete with updates. In this story dream and wilburs relationship can be viewed as platonic up until act 2. Lucifer the Scaredy Cat by Lillithorn. This fic takes place after the vigilante Joker ending of season 2 of the Batman TellTale series. The prose on it is really good, very evocative. Just discovered A03 Fantastic in the dark with a candle. 8. I read/write a lot of original fic and I'm excited to share some of my favorites! I've really been meaning to compile a list of recs, anyway. Here’s the Twitter List of the most popular Larry Fics: Here In The Afterglow. net would be a close second. There is no romance. You probably need an AO3 account to read most of these stories. And I have yet to find a better Miraculous fanfic. The Dreaming Boy and the Sleeping Girl by tsukithewolf: This is the longest OMORI fanfic on AO3, and it’s also one of the most loved. Dustfall by amandadbone - 19K. The only places on the HoloNet I’ve The Pet Monster In The Bottle: Or, How An Eldritch Being Learns To Become A Red-Blooded Human by straightforwardly. Blood and Gold by ObsidianPen. (If you are searching a tag though, kudos doesn't help, since that will just bring all the most popular fandoms to the top). Archive of Our Own (I use this when I search The Skitterleap by enembee. And Moshang: Dirt and Ashes, or: The One-and-a-Half Body Problem. ‘Tis the season of Star Wars, and I don’t have Disney+ to watch The Bad Batch currently, so as a substitution I’ll need the best fanfiction you have. (Being sent into an alternate universe is fine too!) thank you ! I just finished my first Miraculous fanfic, “One Thing After Another” by SKayLanphear on Archive of Our Own and it was sooooo good and sooooo well written. Just read the first 3 chapters, at the very least. The Dogfather is similar and again, just great. Probably Medusa on Ao3 it had me crying at the end and I typically don't cry over fanfics. Being AU, it explores its use of Hogwarts and the side-elements of Alanna the Lioness in the best way possible, creating an intricate and highly entertaining world. Just check out @bellashneeb (if you haven’t already) she has a bunch of percabeth stories. Harry is abandoned by the Dursleys as a child and has to survive by himself. Honestly the author’s summary sums it up best: Sasuke believes that a little thing like marriage should never get in the way of a perfect relationship. Yes, definitely. Looking for a filtered list of the best ao3 fics you've read. Unbelievers. Prince of Swords: 8/10 Probably one of the most popular fics, with over a thousand reviews and several thousand favs and follows, this is a harem and guild twist on the story of Aincrad. Follows on in the aftermath of canon and is fairly canon compliant with a few artistic liberties. Breaking dawn re write - I thought I knew - endgame jasper/ bella. brooombaaa. Chapter 1 specifically had me feeling sick. Happy Endings guaranteed. ”. 2)The Tyrells choose the side of the Starks and not the Lannisters'. Praying to the Devil by theleafpile. 1) Snow Leopard Not Lion by RinRin. M. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. • 5 yr. fics recommendations (kavetham) General Discussion. But has some very NSFW scenes so be warned. 21. The Once and Future King: Bloodraven is the Merlin to Jon’s Arthur, rare fic where Jon opposes Baratheons while Bobby B is alive. E. Regenerate, Fate by Jellofello One of my favorite vigilante izuku fics. Lost and Found by Bunbunbun. the best twilight fanfic I've ever found is Ferns by Eviebaby it's immediately post breaking dawn and absolutely Canon. Like Vegas, Venice Theerapanyakun was born into a dangerous world of crime and power plays. Explore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes. Remain in Light is a wonderful Sirius Lives fic that is so well written. This story is really unique. The orange sunset is one of my favourite series. I haven't gotten far in it, but it seems to be an extremely well made fanfic. okay so i won’t tag the links cz its been too long but i can def rec some n u can too!!i need some jikook fic recs!with top jimin or switch or even top jk is okay but the storyline should be good!!!n also should be +100k words . 2. No yaoi/yuri…. Old post, but I just wanna chime in and say I loved both Aurors and Hollow Ash! I found your intrigues even better - more logical, cohesive and interesting - than many classic British mysteries I’m a fan of. lucky_chachacha. Basically, a year after Mari’s death, Mari’s spirit gets trapped in Sunny’s body, and Sunny’s conscience gets sent to Headspace. He's one author I interact with regularly and his stories are exceptionally well done. Award. Unfortunately for him, not everyone agrees. The Shortest Distance Between Two People by riko: Teen, Hogwarts era, my review here . L. Bronzeandsteel (ffnet, AO3): fluffy angst. It's very faithful to G. oky so. at work. 10 votes, 18 comments. With a wild dragon chase, narrow escapes and an unlikely romance as Draco forced to reveal to a hostile wizarding world that the Malfoy family is dark. The Way You Tease by poisonivory. Diluc as a creepy little boy and Kaeya as his straight man is fantastic. CombatTombat (ffnet, AO3): Roman!Percy. Add a Comment. Seriously, the emotion, the humour, the beauty of this fic are amazing. de (only has German stories), some smaller sites and AO3. The problem in itself is that Billingsley likes the other man’s dangerous qualities a little too much for his own good. Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose. Deep Wells, Deep Deeds: War. Honey and Sulfur by Arlome. 6. So far Navel-gazing and fluff ensues. The Twitter List contains both canon compliant and AU fics. Matters of Honour: Jaime after Rhaegar wins. It follows what is known of canon for the most part but does so much more for world-building. 1. It is Mature though. Best specific hurt/comfort fics. Valkyrie's Shadow is pretty good. • 3 yr. Remember, this fics listed are ranked accordingly from top to bottom by how many followers they have in FF. A. Depending on what you like, this fic may not be for you. I don’t care who is comforting them. This list contains mainly M/F and M/M romance and smut, slavery, and whump themes. He’s cold, ruthless, and willing to find the Jewel of Jumanji by any means necessary. •. r/OMORI. It is placed after volume 9, but it deviates from the events leading to volume 10 slightly. I find it hilarious, but it's ongoing. And then he stays forever. Im okay with any topic and with any rating but it must have a happy ending. When Midoriya Inko dies in childbirth, Midoriya Hisashi—better known as All for One—decides to raise his son Izuku by himself without ever telling Izuku he’s Japan’s worst supervillain. quiet like a fight - crossover with Angel of Death where Rachel attends UA. happy reading! 119. I loved this one. Tongfang by The Feels Whale (miscellea) 依依不捨; more than you want it by stardust_rust. Isolated in this alien and lifeless world, Penguin sees strange lights flickering in the distance. Kingdoms at War. there's 80+ bookmarks of well-written longfics and one-shots, 90% dramione. The more unknown (from what I understand, for all I know they might be very popular) ones I included are "Ready, Reset! A Second Chance" by Cherry_Cola17 on Archive of our own,"Asclepius. The true time-turner was slammed savagely into Hermione's throat. Together, they fight crime. ADMIN MOD. SomethingMoreCreative (ffnet): pure Percabeth fluff. 118 votes, 51 comments. and we mow the lawn in bad weather by ToxicPineapple, amamouma, this one positively destroyed me. There's no smut in it. The Archive of Our Own (AO3) offers a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting place for fanworks. Fusion of both omegaverse and Ragnarok (online RPG). Part 2: Under your influence. In a land overwhelmed by darkness, a hero emerges: a young wizard with the power, influence and opportunity to restore the light. Aizawa is trying to catch the vigante, only to discover hes in his homeroom class. Part 1: Training Wheels. But there's kind of a little bit of everything. It a fanfic that takes place after the good ending where sunny randomly gets omoris powers from headspace. The False and the Fair: War, fem!Jon, tw: rape, mutilation, cousin incest. MembersOnline. For anyone who hasn’t read this, please do. A Prelude to Chaos Control: A recently completed longfic serving as an unofficial prequel to Sonic X, with an emphasis on Tails and full of brotherly fluff with a pinch of angst. Sort by: Here are some of my favorites: Self Love 801: A Complete Guide To Anal Sex For Beginners by errant_rivalry. The Flaw was once a man that was held high in regards by the gods. There are some "niche" solo websites still out there dedicated to specific fandoms, but the more visible ones are the multi-fandom hubs like AO3, FFN, and so forth. With this method, I can accurately ranked on whose fic is the most recognized and easily recommended by many fanfic readers shown in this ranking. Everything else…. FF. Fanfic Recommendations Thread #1. With a big fanbase comes great fan fics, but of course one cannot read them all. Map of the Problematique (D. " by randomwriter1235 on wattpad, "Different Circumstances" by magey88 on Archive of our own. Martins world, except for 2 crucial twists. A sweet little one shot about smells. This is one of my favorite vigilante deku AUs, worth the read. This should be the number one answer lmao 5YL is the best!!! Probably not a surprising one since it has the most kudos on AO3 but, man… their characterizations of everyone, even with so little canon content out at the time, was amazing! It’s probably one of the longest fics I’ve ever read but I read it in the shortest time because I genuinely got obsessed with it over a day or three. The mafia didn't expect to find a ninja in the place of a civilian when they came to call. Sokka, who has some new demons of his own, tries to help her work through it. Escapade. Wish there was a good list of 400k+ word fics, tired of 100k word fics that only last 2 of my lunch breaks. Three times when Sasuke didn't kiss Naruto by kally77. Alternately heartbreaking and wonderful. High School. r/RomanceBooks is a discussion sub for readers of romance novels. A PRT employee moonlights as a cape photographer (both meanings of the words “cape photographer” apply to him). Chloe rehomes Lucifer using a guide for rehoming stray cats. Chloe starts praying and Lucifer gets confused. Pokemon Bet: The Lost World - Fusion with the superhero setting Worm, where Rachel the dog trainer supervillain from Worm becomes a pokemon trainer. The Fatal Flaw Of Olympus : The gods made a mistake a mistake that change a man into a monster. I have come across multiple that I consider to be the best, list below, but I want to know you guys' pros and cons with the sites that you know of. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. It shattered against her neck, bits of glass and gold piercing into her skin. This isn’t on AO3 but Anterograde Tomorrow will never not make me cry like a little bitch, it’s just that good. Best I’ve read on AO3 was the discontinued (i think) book “7 Minutes. And unlike Vegas, he is well protected by his family who shelters the little boy and spoils him to the core. For me thr Best Mha Fanfic is Called A Needed Hero its an Mha and Akame ga Kill Crossover. Good cast of OC villains and diving into government corruption. As someone new to this world, I stumbled By far the best list I've seen, 4-5 amazing fics and some I haven't read. glass, tempered steel by augustbird – 40K. ) by SullenSiren (lorax): Explicit, First War, my review here . a comprehensive list of good Dramione fics! i love reading on AO3 (the interface is just great), and have recently made my reading list quite organised through bookmarks. 1K subscribers in the kpopfanfiction community. It's 3 fics. A bit of Mercy by yourheartsdesire. Its between Loki and Tony and add in the fact that its got a podfic, is a space pirate fic and has a ton of chapters Give me your best recs! : r/RomanceBooks. preferably nothing with significant romance (and no main M/F pairing for Harry, or Harry/Voldemort) and not crack or Harry going completely Dark. Preferably with not too much romance or canon divergence, but other then that what are some of the best Avatar fanfiction you've read? Or does anyone have any suggestions of their own favourites?? If you're a gwynriel shipper i'd definitely recommend •'A court of Shadows and Scars' by @/sincerelylyvivi on wattpad •'A court of smoke and shadows' by @/daevastanner on AO3 if you ship Elucien then •'i only see daylight' by @/lets wookiee win on wattpad •'Afterglow' by So I'm hoping for some recommendations in this area. I don’t care about the fandom. Angelaplay_. Meld and Matters Manipulation (seen on Archive of Our Own) is a femshep/liara romance. Without further ado, let's begin. Hiding Place . Has the only romance I've found tolerable in a pokemon fic and the MC keeps within the carry limit of six. Don’t need something exactly like it, but wowza it was good. Some of her older stories are different pairings, but her best ones are 10k word Percabeth fics. I'll see the word count and send it. rosep121212. Regenerate, fate by Jellofello - Izuku has a regeneration quirk, similar to that of deadpool. Summary: Following a collision, the Polar Tang is grounded in the abyssal plains. Welcome to Kaveh Mains, a community dedicated to the famous Sumerian Architect and the Light of Kshahrewar, Kaveh. All I need is for the hurt one to be male. 10 votes, 14 comments. Yes, It was about Ben 10 turning into diamond head and selling diamonds, while Dr. There's a ton of really interesting worldbuilding in this fic. You need to watch at least until the 4th episode of season 2, it's a canon divergence au, set in the mafia. Bruce Wayne has given up the cowl for the sake of his loved The Hypostasis Guide to Godhood, in which the cube and Klee go out on adventures. I've gotta say the best ship fic I've ever read is Bend Around the Wind. The Strawberry Milk fics (comes in three parts) Young & Beautiful. Fifty years ago, Grindelwald won the duel that shaped the world. I enjoyed careful mix of sinister action, “boring” (not boring!) aurorwork with more casual and mundane scenes that bro Tabloid: available on ao3 in addition to sb, I recommend ao3 because it’s a superior website lol. jn pg qo gu hk nu vk vg il wx