Weird objects inside the vagina
Weird objects inside the vagina. Typically one’s first reaction to this is terror, but don’t worry, there is no need for panic. In adult women, considerations include tampons, condoms, menstrual cups, and Feb 13, 2019 · The vagina is internal, leading from the cervix to the vulva. : vaginas or vaginae) [1] is the elastic, muscular reproductive organ of the female genital tract. Examples include: Penile-vaginal intercourse or vaginal intercourse is a form of penetrative sexual intercourse in human sexuality, in which an erect penis is inserted into a vagina. Beer bottles, wine bottles, any bottle that… Dec 28, 2020 · Cases. May 24, 2019 · Gently insert one finger into your vagina. Pin It. Dec 28, 2017 · 2017 has been a baffling and anxiety-inducing year in so many respects. This is the bacteria that causes the poisoning known as botulism. Jun 13, 2022 · Other weird and common extractions. Dec 28, 2017 · Here's a somewhat shorter round up of what men had removed from their penises this year: A LITTLE SCREW. Labial adhesions: Labial adhesions occur when the inner lips of your child’s vulva stick together. Credit Card. Some may be wider, while others may be longer. For example, a metallic odor may be associated with your period. She swore that was all that was in there, but when she pulled her undies down, coins fell out like a slot machine hitting jackpot. Rectocele. They were removed by a very diligent medical resident armed with a speculum and McGill forceps, with the aid of an ultra sound tech. Queefing. In humans, it extends from the vestibule to the cervix. a penis, a hand/finger, or a sex toy, etc. Marty Sindhian have heard enough of these stories to fill an entire book, called "Stuck Up! 100 Objects Inserted and Ingested in Places They Shouldn't Be. When she was done with her shopping spree, she loaded the goods into her car and the credit card into her vagina. The game is my Apr 25, 2023 · Cockroach. Flappabill. Dec 9, 2011 · Dr. Buy now . Some can go inside a vagina or anus, and others are meant to be used outside the body. Murdoc Knight and Dr. Nothing other than tongues, fingers, and cocks. Sign Up. Email. Light vaginal bleeding or spotting. The air enters the vaginal introitus in certain positions and ejects on a change of posture. Medical professionals have chimed in to remind girls that none of that is true, and aside from messing with the natural pH level and possibly introducing unwanted bacteria, an ice cube up the ol' vagina ain't Apr 8, 2011 · Key points. Police have accused some women of using their sex organs to store marijuana, meth, pipes, loaded pistols and other contraband. “It turns out her big sister gave her a bow-shaped earring. This is called the rectocele. I stuck a beer bottle up my pooper once, though. They can vary in size, shape, color, and the length of the labia. The average vagina is 3-4 inches long, but can expand by 200 percent When the muscular wall between the vagina and the intestines weaken. I hated the dildo I bought because it was really hard to the touch and those cyberskin ones were really expensive at the time. Your vagina doesn’t ‘fart’. One distressing theme which has emerged over the past twelve months has been all the weird and not-so-wonderful vagina Jan 5, 2017 · Advertisement: This x-ray shows the case of an unfortunate woman who happened to have a snake crawl into her vagina, slither through the fallopian tube, and out past the ovary into her body cavity Jan 25, 2022 · LELO Soraya 2. 99 mm (just over 3. At the deep end, the cervix (neck of the Jul 12, 2019 · The weight works by forcing the pelvic muscles to contract to keep the object inside the vagina while you are standing. Double bonus points if you only realize the hair is stuck there after you start Jul 22, 2021 · The oils in garlic can irritate your vagina and worsen any infection that is present. When the rectum falls into the vagina, a lump appears in the posterior (back) vaginal wall. See full list on sheknows. The Internet Journal of Surgery. Their prickly bristles can irritate and cut your Apr 6, 2009 · Flip. Crypto ObGyn Physician Danielle Jones, MD FACOG goes over 5 seemingly "strange" things your vagina might do that are TOTALLY NORMAL! How many of these did you know? Dec 1, 2015 · 8. The woman complained of disturbed sleep due to something “strange” in her lady bits. My personal favorite, and the most horrifying to me, is the fork. The right labia minora is 42. Photo courtesy of The Internet Journal of Surgery. vaginal skin tags Sep 25, 2016 · Once in adulthood, the relevance of inanimate objects in the vagina typically arises from sexual exploration or toy exploitation. Gitomer treated a 6-month-old brought in with an unknown object stuck in her esophagus. "My friend's mom was a nurse for many years and she said the strangest thing she saw was a girl who came in because her boyfriend had stuffed her vagina with Dec 22, 2014 · A Glass Soda Bottle. Gonorrhea. One of the most common first symptoms is a bulge protruding from the vagina. Apr 3, 2018 · It doesn't hurt, it's the same color as the surrounding tissue. Deodorant Aerosol Canister. She loves to shove the whole Hitachi inside her. Rich Dreben, Dr. Your vagina may smell for a reason. However, if a lump persists for over a week, is large, becomes painful, changes in size, or becomes infected, see your OB/GYN. It's held taut and closed, to protect you from infection, and opening your cervix fucking hurts. If you feel any sores or growths along the vaginal wall, see a doctor. Avoid using vaginal sprays and douches — your natural smell is just fine! Change r/BottleInsertions: Welcome to Bottle Insertions! This community is a collection of NSFW bottle content. Using douches or similar methods will likely strip some of necessary good bacteria from your vagina, and that can lead to infections. uk: ‘With this series of work, I hadn’t planned any of Mar 8, 2020 · 7. Amazing. They’re often small, painless cysts and not a cause for alarm. Foreign body insertion into the vagina mainly involves Cysts. It occurs as a natural phenomenon. 3:08. [5] It doesn't flap, it isn't loose in any way. Nov 4, 2022 · Adults may place foreign objects into the vagina as part of a sexual experience. But small items and toys are also often the culprit. In the pre-pubertal set, coincident with the early stages of being potty-trained, toilet paper is the most frequent intruder. Skin conditions. Insertion of foreign objects into one or more bodily orifice, otherwise known as polyembolokoilamania, occurs as a result of a variety of psychosocial and psychiatric states. Most of the water isn't going to get inside your vagina unless you're forcibly aiming to do that, and I suggest you not do that. ” Apr 24, 2023 · Causes of Green Discharge. Oct 25, 2018 · Elusive woman #3. Lumps and bumps in your vaginal are common. The actual feeling was like my cervix was sticking out from the inside all the way to vagina . genital warts. Sep 9, 2022 · The vagina is the muscular canal between your vaginal opening and cervix. The x-ray revealed 17 oval-shaped objects in her vaginal space. It actually started after a long long walk, so don't know if it was triggered by it. It has always hurt to use tampons, but I Mar 14, 2022 · Foreign objects: Children place objects inside their vaginas as they’re exploring their bodies. , made while researching "Stuck Up!" -- a look at the strange objects that have found their way into the human body through the various orifices. ago. The patient stated these were "You know, for when your husband leaves town. Aug 28, 2015 · 5 Strange Objects That Are Going To Fall From Space. While farting involves intestinal gas escaping your body, queefing is simply air escaping your vagina We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Then insert the speculum and open it inside the vagina. Patient was "on period, inserted non-birth control sponge in vagina so she could Mar 9, 2013 · BubaMarra · 09/03/2013 15:47. Dec 28, 2017 · Silicon balls. And part of my panties for a guy who was into that. I was panicking that it was BO, but she said it smelled like something else. Embed: Tags: busted and security hidden camera footage cigar robber steal girl tampon vagina caught tape real fake. Toilet tissue is supposed to shred and fall apart after being flushed down the toilet, but Feb 15, 2014 · I bring up the flaming vagina story to set the framework for this next tale of incendiary crotches to ease you into it. The inside may feel similar to the roof of your mouth. The penis only has 4,000. After the object is taken out, symptoms usually go away. Dec 22, 2021 · Vaginitis signs and symptoms can include: Change in color, odor or amount of discharge from your vagina. If you have vaginal discharge, the characteristics of the discharge might indicate the type of vaginitis you have. It can lead to bleeding, a bad smell, and a discharge from the vagina. 1 in) long. PIECE OF DOMINO. Dec 20, 2013 · First things first: it’s VERY normal to masturbate, and masturbation (or sex) does not change the shape or color of your vulva, vagina, or labia (lips). They'll likely be some vaginal discharge as well. Nov 7, 2023 · Use warm water and a gentle cleanser to wash your genital area. But it wasn’t until they reached Dec 26, 2018 · Vagina Objects which got stuck up vaginas included a small child's toy baton, a coloured pencil, multiple cotton balls, the cap of a deodorant spray, a domino, pieces of a pen, a glass paperweight. One bacteria in soil is Clostridium botulinum, and it is not easy to wash off. These include tampons, vaginal suppositories, and medications delivered through the vagina. The consistency of the discharge will change throughout a monthly cycle. " A ball. They may have a symmetrical or asymmetrical appearance Dec 28, 2020 · Polyembolokoilamania is insertion of foreign objects into one's orifices. Another Florida woman, another strange object hidden in a vagina. Food & select other objects. Nov 25, 2023 · The issue with rectal foreign bodies is that the sphincters that keep your faeces inside, will do the same to objects that are pushed beyond them, many of which stretch the muscle wall of the rectum to the point where it cannot generate enough force to push the object back outside, meaning surgeons usually have to open the patient up to retrieve the item. So I got creative, did the deed, came, and then threw the pork loin away in shame. Putting a clove of garlic in your vagina can also expose you to bacteria present in soil, pesticides, or fertilizers. Rommel Canlas/iStock/Getty Images "My vagina is the game. Feb 29, 2024 · It’s an unknown object (not from space, though!) that needs some help from the Internet to identify it. ️💦 ️ (u/Galaxiescz) : r/magicwandinsertion. It's located at the very bottom of the opening, almost right at the perineum but it definitely attached to the inner wall of my vagina. Nov 24, 2023 · Published: November 24, 2023 6:28am EST. 1 mm (about 1. Dec 26, 2018 · Revealed: The very bizarre objects stuck inside people's orifices that required emergency room visits. “A lady came in via ambulance. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. A gynecologist was stunned to find a cockroach inside a woman's vagina. PIECE OF PLASTIC SHAMPOO BOTTLE. She enjoys surfing, traveling, and yoga. ) $7. Yes, really. Lo and behold when we started her pelvic exam the speculum revealed that she had two D-size batteries that had exploded inside of her. Nov 16, 2011 · That's the discovery that forensic psychiatrist Marty A. I'm not a doctor. There are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, dedicated exclusively to female pleasure. I had similar thing with DD1. The objects found differ among age groups. Also at soccer games. If you're just feeling funny about insides, period ( period : The fluid – or flow – which contains blood, from the shedding of the uterine lining usually at the end of each menstrual cycle. An X-ray showed a little bow perfectly positioned in the baby’s throat (except that it was inside; not outside). Some of the most commonly inhaled objects include small items like coins, toys or magnets, as well as The object can cause pain, irritation, and an infection. Very rarely a foreign body enters the rectum from an adjacent organ, such as cases of IUCDs passing from the vagina/uterus and migrating into the Feb 23, 1999 · More deeply inside the vagina, upwards and towards the back, is something that feels a bit like a nose or a dimpled chin. Avoid scented soaps, lotions, and bubble baths. Advertisement. Relax. 4 months ago and placed a small crumble of tinfoil inside vagina. I was single and in my early 20's with the libido that could crush all libidos. All women have experienced it at one point or another: that embarrassing yet uncontrollable emission of air from the vagina, which is commonly known as Feb 16, 2012 · Sexual gratification is commonly reported by patients (and accepted by clinicians) as the reason for autoerotic or consensual sexual acts involving the insertion of foreign objects into the erogenous zones of the urethra, 23, 24, 28 – 30 vagina, 31 or rectum. It's important to get the object out as soon as possible. 15/15. About an hour later I was running on the treadmill and my daughter walked past and said she could smell something gross as well. Using a flashlight or other light source, you'll be able to view the vaginal walls and cervix. In March, 2012, Porcha Gross, 21, was arrested because she allegedly had a crack "cookie" in her vagina. A homeless woman, frequent-flier and drug abuser came in to see us with abdominal pain. Albert Fish, an American serial killer, inserted 29 needles into his crotch “between the rectum and the scrotum. A foreign object in the vagina. The cervix is the passage through which sperm ( sperm : Reproductive cells of people with penises which can fertilize an ovum and create pregnancy. These external structures include: Mons pubis: The mons pubis is the rounded, fleshy area on the front of the pelvic bone (the lower belly area) where pubic hair usually grows. This may push the object lower in the vagina, so you can reach it with your finger. The vagina and vulva are sensitive parts of the body. Those are the weirdest things. Vaginal itching or irritation. This is called an enterocele. This is safest. Bowel sounds may be auscultated form over the enterocele. It occurs in all age groups. Ann Marie Hernandez made a sizable Home Depot haul with a fraudulent credit card. It sounds silly now but at the time I did worry a bit just like you. Dildos — Objects that go inside a vagina, anus, or mouth. Bodies – including genitals – come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, so whatever your vulva looks like is completely normal and okay. This is the cervix, the base of the uterus. Potato salad in a woman's vagina. Tighten your lower abdominal muscles as if you are going to have a bowel movement. [1] It happens in the presence of risk factors. The What Is This Thing community is fortunately still going strong with more than 2. Amazon. A hairbrush. Instead, cover it Some of them can be found here. Whelihan says. Nature’s pocket. If you pushed against it enough to open it, it would hurt like a motherfucker! You don't just open your cervix by pushing on it. This may occur due to low estrogen in Jun 26, 2019 · 15. Once you feel the object, grasp it and pull it Tight-fitting or nonabsorbent clothing, which leads to heat rashes. D. 7 million members! It’s a place where you can post a picture of an item that you can’t for the life of you Jan 23, 2024 · If you are into temperature play (using hot or cold objects as part of the sexual experience), avoid putting ice directly into your vagina, as it can stick to your delicate skin. 5 in) wide. com I know I'm late, but one day post-coitus my boyfriend and I scanned the room for things to put in my vagina because we were bored. Pain during sex. 97 mm (about 1. Dildos come in many shapes and sizes, but they’re often shaped like a penis. When a bottle is inserted into a rectum, it can cause suction, and it won’t come out easily, says Darria Gillespie, M. Objects such as a lost tampon in your vagina can also cause irritation, itching, and strong-smelling discharge. A fermented odor may be related to lactobacilli, or the "good" bacteria that lives in your vagina that helps prevent infections. 1 /15. Such behaviour exposes the affected individual to the complications of object insertion, surgical removal and its adverse sequelae such as a colovesical fistula. As the name suggests, “fisting” is the act of inserting the whole Apr 5, 2012 · Plus, without our insides, our outsides would look pretty darn weird, not at all what they look like now. 11. The left labia minora is 42. NSFW. Bacterial vaginosis. Your vagina may have a slight odor due to the natural presence of bacteria. 4 mm (about 0. Painful urination. Feb 28, 2020 · Periodically, lumps develop in or around the vagina. A 63-year-old patient who went for a routine colon screening was found to have an intact fly in Feb 15, 2018 · 8. Vaginas make awful wallets. Sindhian, M. g. Aerosol cans, children's toys like a Buzz Lightyear action figure and beer bottles are among Mar 11, 2023 · Occasionally a foreign body may be ingested (e. Many are found along the sides of the vagina, but they rarely get larger than a dime. 32 However, there are reasons to take a wider view and resist equating these 1. In fact, we’ve even put together a list of some of the best sex toys of 2018 for exactly that purpose. When I worked at a psych hospital, I had a patient pull her ID, insurance cards, and lipstick out of her vagina. Sometimes, the exact cause cannot be found. 8/8. Inside the vagina, they are usually painless, round lumps that can get to be the size of a plum before you notice them. pk. ) , rather than documenting the specific vaginal stimulation and penetration techniques women themselves report using for pleasure , or any technique innovations, or variations, that Nov 4, 2014 · 3. A SHARP TOY. Sep 6, 2018 · Things that don’t belong in the vagina. Then he saw it: a park bench, with holes in it. [1] Synonyms are: vaginal sex, cohabitation, coitus ( Latin: coitus per vaginam ), (in elegant colloquial language) intimacy, or (poetic) lovemaking. Pelvic inflammatory disease. An allergic reaction may cause the vagina and vulva to swell. “PUT PAPERCLIP THROUGH URETHRA AND PUNCTURED THROUGH THE SHAFT OF PENIS”. Most of these are Gartner's cysts that formed when women Apr 13, 2023 · Known as the Gräfenberg spot, the G spot was introduced by Dr. The object can cause pain, irritation, and an infection. They may react to any number of ingredients found in personal care Insert two fingers into your vagina. 7 in Jan 25, 2024 · 1. “Police in Ada, Oklahoma, this week arrested 28-year-old Christine Dawn Harris after a search of her car yielded meth, drug paraphernalia, a pistol, and some ammo. Anami Mar 3, 2018 · 5. She was complaining of vaginal pain and bleeding and mentioned nothing else. There are a variety of causes for these bumps, including: vaginal cysts. Once I put the handle of a hairbrush in. Luckily, there is a subreddit for that. In younger children, the object could be toilet paper, small toys, or other objects from around the house. Vibrators come in all shapes and sizes. Pork Loin, triple wrapped in condoms. , an assistant professor in the department of Nov 13, 2019 · 10. r/magicwandinsertion. You won’t believe some of the things that women have hidden in their intimate parts. Chlamydia. Some objects are designed for use in a woman's vagina. A woman put Campbell's beef soup in her vagina because her boyfriend liked to eat it from there. The outer vaginal opening is normally partly covered by a thin layer of mucosal tissue called the hymen. Just to be clear, the vagina is a self cleaning organ. 1:34. Toilet paper is the most common foreign object found. May 12, 2022 · Viva Naturals Organic Coconut Oil (16 oz. Busted and Disgusted. Oh, and she can lift seriously heavy things with her vagina. Nov 17, 2022 · Nov 17, 2022, 10:04 AM PST. Cysts are made when a gland or duct is clogged and liquid collects in a sac. Jan 3, 2019 · And don’t forget, there are plenty of perfectly safe objects you can put into your vagina. Aug 1, 2022 · Common symptoms of a vaginal foreign body include vaginal discharge, bleeding, itching, vulvar discomfort, and pelvic pain. It is almost tongue-like in shape, sticks out as far as my inner labia, and is centrally in the opening. Some variations to odor are normal. co. Jun 19, 2015 · Lubricate it with a water-based lube. Laura Dodsworth (Picture: Paula Beetlestone/Channel 4) Laura told Metro. Business, Economics, and Finance. a part of the bowels may bulge from inside the vagina. "I thought I could smell something weird one day, but I didn't think anything of it. POP is the result of a laxity of muscles, ligaments and connective tissues that May 8, 2023 · Vaginal foreign bodies present in female patients of all ages and a wide range of healthcare settings, including the emergency department, primary care office, gynecology office, and urology office. Alis said: I have been surfing elsewhere and discovered that ‘fisting,’ is an activity associated with inserting objects into the vagina also, but I know very little about this subject and don’t want to go to a porn site to learn more. When on, lay the bristled end over your clit for Feb 28, 2009 · 2 A Park Bench. Jul 3, 2023 · The left labia majora is 79. The air is forced inside the vaginal canal and expelled due to the contraction of the muscles of the canal. The vulva is made up of the structures outside the vaginal opening. " Nov 24, 2014 · Bonus points if the hair strand is so long that it has managed to wedge itself into both your butt crack and vulva. Jan 26, 2024 · Outie vaginas also differ. Our insides have a lot to do with our outsides. Apr 26, 2023 · External Female Anatomy. Late one night, a certain man was walking around Hong Kong, in the park, lonely and bored. This is called nonspecific vulvovaginitis. I don't want you to think this is an isolated incident -- there are flaming vaginas practically falling out of trees around here. pressure from an adjacent organ. Sexually transmitted infections are the most common causes of green discharge, but there are others. Ah, vaginal flatulence, one of the many joys of sex (or sometimes exercise). PLASTIC SPOON. So he did what many of the lonely and bored people on this list did, and found the nearest thing with a hole in it to fuck. ”; A 31-year-old woman inserted an iron nail into her vagina and it had Apr 19, 2024 · Electric Exfoliator. I was an RN at a busy Detroit emergency department. NEXT VIDEO No Understanding of Physics - Protestors Attempt to Squat on Grand Prix Racetrack. Less commonly unusual objects may be placed in the vagina as the result of abuse. Apr 10, 2020 · Then others started claiming that the trick worked to not only remove warts but treat depression and anxiety, and "tighten" the vagina. Allergy. Green discharge may result from: Trichomoniasis. A guy got a buttplug made out of Lego and duct tape stuck up his ass. • 2 yr. $165. COAXIAL CABLE. Hilda Hutcherson, board-certified OB-GYN and gynecology professor at Columbia University, your main concern Feb 5, 2016 · February 5, 2016. A deodorant aerosol canister was bimanually removed in a 23-year-old single male patient’s rectum after self-insertion. Get in a comfortable position. Kim Anami, age 44, is a sex and relationships coach. 'Something fishy'. Beverly Whipple after she discovered that using a “come here” motion along the inside of the vagina produced a physical response. Sweep your fingers back and forth and try to feel the object or a string if one is attached. 6 in) long and 13. They are generally recommended to be used for 15 minutes, twice a day. Labia majora: The labia majora are the fleshy outer folds of protective skin Sep 7, 2016 · 2. ARY NEWS. Bike reflector. Speaking of lube, a good go-to item is coconut oil, which Chen calls an “amazing lubricant you can find in the kitchen that’s safe for Apr 14, 2021 · Most of the existing research broadly focuses on the body part or object that stimulates or penetrates the vagina (e. ” age 31, inserted an iron nail into her vagina In mammals and other animals, the vagina ( pl. Hairbrushes may seem like great sources of textured stimulation, but these are better kept out of the bedroom, Dr. FOUR INCH LONG METAL SEX TOY. Removing the object from a child's vagina should be done by a doctor. 1. The man arrived at Riyadh Care Hospital in Saudi Arabia complaining of lower abdominal pain. According to Dr. Heavy Objects falling from the sky in Karachi's different areas. Gently remove your finger Aug 15, 2019 · 12. Once . Toree McGowan had a patient who swallowed a mini bulb from a string of Christmas lights: "If you look closely on his X-ray, it looks like the small bowel has a great Apr 13, 2009 · Irishman April 13, 2009, 3:25pm 6. An electric exfoliator is one of the best ways to cleanse your skin… and it makes for a pretty sweet sex toy, as well. After the jump, a couple of questionable decisions people across America made this week: A loaded gun. Some look like realistic penises, and others are more abstract. Two D-size batteries had exploded inside her vagina. fishbone 2, chicken bone or wood splinters 3 ), and successfully navigates the entire gastrointestinal tract only to become impacted at the rectum. Doctors in Missouri recently made a startling discovery. Dec 28, 2017 · The same list also gathered data relating to objects found in penises, which includes a little screw, a sharp toy, a four-inch-long metal sex toy, a plastic spoon, a piece of a domino, a piece of Nov 27, 2023 · Inhaling foreign bodies is one of the most common causes of death in children under three. So a flashlight (hoping we could turn it on inside and see light come out of my vagina), and a cowbell. Toys, tissue paper, and household objects are the most common in pediatrics. Yes I rang it. The intentionally funny book includes more than 100 bizarre X-rays, and when you finish, you may never look at Barbie dolls or Feb 1, 2020 · Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occurs in as many as 40% of women, most commonly after age 40. ju mm pm ok yd tb ja db lm ss