Home assistant unit of measurement percentage. Liter per minute (l/min) US Gallon per minute (gal/min) In some cases the system default unit may not be the most useful unit for a given quantity. 0. Apr 13, 2021 · There are only a few “special” uom values, such as “°C” and “°F”, where HA actually converts values to your locale settings when it sees them. energy_usage')|float / 1000) | r…. wyzesense_xxxxxxxx. name: "HX711 Value". Apr 8, 2024 · unit_of_measurement: "µg/m³" Thank you, it works!! I’m doing this because the sensor. gain: 128. TommySharpNZ (Tommy) April 13, 2021, 9:35pm 4. 131. 1, core-2021. You still have to feed these sensors to the statistics sensor as I said: tom_l: Feed these two sensors to statistics sensors to calculate the averages. Home Assistant has support for both short- and long-term statistics. Just multiply the voltage by -30. entity_id: binary_sensor. closest() will find the closest entity. I have a freezer temperature probe that publishes the freezer temperature once a second over MQTT. octoprint_actual_bed_temp: unit_of_measurement: "°C". yaml for my Toyota integration, but faced some basic calculation block in defining new sensors. between those two values? Sensor is connected to an D1-mini. 01, but you can fix that by changing the entity setting. If you wan W then just use the same as in the first sensor for the total and study variables and substract these instead of (100-study) = (total-study). device_name_battery_level and sensor. But! They do appear in the preview when editing the yaml of the picture elements card. See: from: Sensor - Home Assistant. energy_production_today how will I calculate the percentage for the energy produced? Feb 3, 2023 · @home-assistant close Closes the issue. The Imperial and US systems of measure are very similar, and share many unit names. Apr 7, 2023 · unit_of_measurement: “”. Energy Dashboard, upload data retrospectively. May 29, 2022 · Good morning, all. . The unit of sensor. Create a new text file called mqtt. (Like if the sensor returns units with the value in the mqtt topic instead of just the value). device_name_battery_state. Jun 3, 2021 · Hi, I am trying to create a template sensor which calculates the percent of daylight that has elapsed. energy_usage')|float > 1000 %} { { (states ('sensor. core — Home Assistant 2022. Available for free at home-assistant. And! Apr 24, 2023 · I am wondering how a LiFePo4 Battery discharge curve could be configured in HA, so that the SOC (in Voltage/ Percent) can be calculated. yaml and include the following line: mqtt: !include mqtt. Ideally I would like to set this in the YAML, though when I try to set the unit_of_measurement like so: customize: sensor. Step 1 is to get the python program working. I’m trying to create a sun elevation card (with picture elements). Some sensors are leading-edge, some are trailing-edge. I see the correct values when I use the MQTT tab in the Developer Tools. 0 max: 60. I’ve tried customize. Dec 22, 2021 · zwave , mqtt. I’d like to know what percentage of time the sensor spends in each mode, and be able to graph that. state: >-. 123 (Taras) February 8, 2022, 5:30pm 3. To create a new sensor for your UPS real power, you need to create an integration of type Template. These do not have a default unit of measurement in Home Assistant. This causes a warning and causes not creating long term history. 1155×875 36 KB. Jan 8, 2020 · Most sensors can only sense up to 2 meters. Nov 9, 2021 · If your voltage drops above or below these values, don’t expect it to start showing negative values or values above 100%. Jun 27, 2022 · With the import: Screenshot 2022-06-27 at 23-32-50 Developer Tools – Home Assistant 853×68 2. dout_pin: D0. I’m working on a system that will be feeding a distance measurement into Home Assistant. For iOS devices, it is possible to get both the battery level (percentage) and the battery state (Full, Unplugged, Charging, etc. master_bedroom_temp Jan 9, 2018 · Extra customization features will come later on for lovelace, I have no doubt about it, but that will take some time. Jun 14, 2019 · You should find an editor that uses, or can be made to use, UTF-8. But the entity sensor. Distance examples. In my Arduino code on a Wemos D1 mini I currently calculate the percentage of salt in the softener with: #A… Apr 4, 2019 · Custom sensor and number percentage. Either set the time unit to seconds or change the precision to 0. Might be a cleaner way but I think it’s ok. yaml file. Then add these pulses to ( 1 pulse is 1 Wh so I divide by 1000 to change unit to kWh) utility meter and use that as energy management source. Example: Room temp sensor = 22°. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. This is done by a light sensor which reports the lumens. I would like my lights to turn on with incrementaly according to the lumens measure. This would be very helpful, I tried to write a template sensor with no luck. For long-term statistics, an hourly aggregate is stored of the short-term statistics. MLSensor'>) is using native unit of measurement '%' which is not a valid unit for the device class ('signal_strength') it is using; expected one of ['dB', 'dBm']; Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise Sep 19, 2022 · But this is only my assumption. fish_feeder_counter is changing, got multiple {'times(s)', 'time(s)'}, generation of long term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit is stable and matches the unit of already compiled statistics (time(s)). sensors: zustatek_vody_studna: value_template: "{{ (states('sensor. All instances where I’ve wrapped an entity inside a config-template-card don’t work, don’t appear on the mobile app. I have units of measure set to Imperial in configuration. Apr 19, 2020 · I have successful connected two mysensors distance nodes + mqtt gateway and I’m seeing them in HA. sensors: battery_office_window: friendly_name: "Office Window Battery Level". I think template is the answer, but I can’t quite figure it out. I want to change the unit of measurement to KW when more than 1000 W are being used on my sensor. Related developer documentation. 23867 kWh with current power consumption at level 4 Jul 2, 2020 · homeassistant: customize: !include customize. , the mile used for precise historical survey data Jun 15, 2020 · If the maximum value is: 11631. But, it still appears as Fahrenheit in the front end and gets its own Feb 7, 2022 · I have found a very crude way of turning the lights on dependending on the light level that comes from outside. 4 Thanks Proposal. Now I get the number of pulses (led blinks) from my energy meter to a mqtt sensor in HA. Accordingly, Home Assistant will display the data in imperial units without conversion. I asked about this issue during the week and the only solution was a messy template that caused other problems. 5C So both units one per line. " state_topic: "freezer/temp/c" force_update: true unit_of_measurement: "°C Enable this if the source sensor state is expected to reset to 0, for example, a smart plug that resets on boot. value_template: " {% if states ('sensor. Also, as mentioned previously, the timeout distance should be set near the published limit for the sensor device. PeteRage June 27, 2022, 1:48pm 9. state: !lambda 'return id(the_fan). Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. yaml and added device_class: power, unit_of_measurement: W Also tried adding the above to config. your_binar_sensor with your binary sensor and fill in hours_for_100_percent = 10 with the number of hours it takes to get to 100%. The light sensor measures in Lux, but throught the ZWAVE JS integration the unit of measurement is changed to lx. For Android I am using OwnTracks for device Jul 20, 2023 · Just fill in binary_sensor. petro: The derivative integration will give you the rate of change. What should I do to get the May 20, 2019 · Hi everyone, I got an analog Capacitive Soil Moisture sensor. Try also adding inverted: true to the definition of the trigger pin. wixoff April 10, 2023, 8:54pm 3. Jun 20, 2022 · Hi all. 0 max: 3600. Here is an example. 2104 per kWh for the first 425 kWh and $0. Then changed it to the correct one and restarted HASS. Apr 29, 2021 · Regarding the tanks, they hold 2,000 liters each, for a total of 8,000 liters. Oh and here’s it all in javascript, if anyone should find it useful: let x1 = data[0]. 0001. Which is fine when the reading is at longer distance (ie: 17. Hello all, I have a template sensor: - sensor: - name: "Power usage" unique_id: power_usage state: >- { { states ('sensor. rain_total: unit_of_measurement: 'mm'. As a backwards American, I default this to ‘Feet and Inches’, but Home Assistant doesn’t appear to have a unit of measurement that can handle specifically feet and inches. Thats mean. and the {} is just retaining the current value. Ideally, I would like to see something like: Temperature 85F Temperature 29. This sensor when dry gives me value of 530, when in water I get the value 220. meross_lan. Almost certainly unrelated, but your float filters should have default values: states()|float(0) for example, but be careful with using 0 on denominator values. It is calculated as a cos (φ) from power vectors and it gives a numeric value between -1. 131 kWh (including the decimal point) What is the best way to achieve this? Kind regards, Marco Nov 17, 2020 · Something odd is happening here. Fairly new to home assistant. 16, how can I change the above sensor to display percentage? (100% is maximum) Below, is my best attempt at doing this; which isn’t correct. the only problem I’m having is that i Sep 21, 2022 · Arcss September 21, 2022, 7:29pm 1. percentage, x2 = data[1]. Jan 6, 2023 · If you can see the state of a device from Home Assistant, in most cases you can create a virtual energy sensor for it. 14 x 20 = 2260 liters. Over those 5 minutes it could consume around 0. Any ideas would be appreciated: - platform: template. Mar 14, 2018 · I am just getting started with HA. Nov 1, 2021 · Being in the US, I would prefer most temperature to be shown in Fahrenheit. no temperature conversion takes place. Round to 1 decimal place. Ah, just discovered. voltage, y1 = data[0]. Open configuration. Thank you. 1. If only one location is passed in, Home Assistant will measure the distance from home. History Stats sensor to total the amount of time the sensor was in the desired state in the last 24 hours. Dischage table for Lifepo4: The 24V Battery is 100% full at 27V, and 0% empty at 20V. I see that there are options in Configuration|Customization for unit_of_measurement, but I can’t figure out what the allowable values are. However, anything computer-related (e. History Stats sensor to count the number of times the sensor was in the desired state in the last 24 hours. Volume. Jan 7, 2024 · I cannot find the answer (both seem to work). Bigk (Kenneth) September 8, 2022, 7:46pm 1. “us”) should be added. The template sensor has the advantage of letting you have both the weight and percentage still available. Mar 26, 2024 · id: fan_percent. entity_registry it changes bach when i have restarted the Home Assistant, what can I do to make it right? {. Voila. I tried setting temperature_unit in the customize. For measuring precipitation km/h would be a quite uncommon unit, while mm/h would be the expected unit. Currently there is also a mdi icon linked to humidity that has a percentage sign: mdi:water-percent. how can use the if statement in the sensor template to make the reading consistent, either in W or kW? - I hope this makes sense. this is the sensor: if the state of the ac is on, the state number will change to 1 as it should. - platform: mqtt name: "Humidity_plant" icon: mdi:flower state_topic: "tele/Sensor_Woonkamer/SENSOR" value_template: "{{ value Mar 18, 2020 · Hi team I am reporting on power generation from my new solar panels by querying Zevercloud REST API. @home-assistant unassign mopeka Removes the current integration label and assignees on the issue, add the integration domain after the command. unique_id: water_tank_volume_75_and_up. This won’t apply to absolute humidity, so that has to have a different sign, for instance just mdi:water Apr 26, 2023 · default: 0 selector: number: min: 0. I see the temperature in centigrade on topic freezer/temp/c update every second. openwrt_router_b_sent use B as unit_of_measurement so the number is too long, how can I change it from B to GB? My HASS version is Home Assistant OS 6. how can I create a sensor to reflect those numbers so I can use it in grid consumption … Jan 28, 2023 · Hi everyone, I cannot get a simple sensor get to work and asking for your kind help. Cubic Meter (m³) US Gallon (gal) Volumetric Flow Rate. For sensors with other units, rounding works, but not for this. 5 KB. # Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) default_config: automation: !include automations. 5W = 94. but if i turning on the ac from hassio to the state Cool, it will not change Nov 18, 2021 · hi all, my power company charges $0. For the frontend, it would use icon: mdi:cash. 950,0 Wh but I want this to be displayed as : solaredge (Energy this year) 7. Strixx (Daniel Jönsson) June 8, 2021, 9:31am 1. We currently already have the following units available: CURRENCY_EURO = "€" CURRENCY_DOLLAR = "$" CURRENCY_CENT = "¢". mikebrew771 (Mikebrew771) March 16, 2023, 3:11pm 2. Upgraded to 2022. shellyem3_channel_a_power')|float (0) + states ('sensor Apr 5, 2020 · Taking the battery state of the wyzesense and making battery sensors. When this option is disabled (for example, if the source sensor is a domestic utility meter that never resets during the device’s lifetime), the difference between the new value and the last valid value is added to the utility meter, which avoids the loss of a meter reading after Feb 8, 2022 · unit_of_measurement is not template-enabled, for at least a good reason: entities are not supposed to have “variable” units. The Jabra Earbuds use an Android app which has a persistent notification sharing the battery percentage of each ear bud and the case. If there was a way to move the behavior of HASS. My options would be either: Decimal feet. If you are configuring the sensors using YAML just add the unit_of_measurement there. Let’s say at 300 lumens i’d like to turn them on at 10 percent brightness 150lux 50% and so on. yaml and the Yr temperature is showing as degrees F which is good. tom_l January 27, 2022, 8:42am 2. PeteRage February 4, 2023, 1:07pm 2. 5. I have a battery entity ‘sensor. Dimensions for each tank: height: around 200 centimeters (at the lid level) radius: 60 centimeters. May 24, 2022 · I have solved this another way. 0 light_sensor: name: Light sensor description: Light Aug 17, 2023 · You should be able to set the device to a class that uses “%” such as “battery”… sensor: - platform: adc pin: GPIO36 #a0 name: "Smoke Detector #3" update_interval: 1s filters: - multiply: 100 device_class: battery unit_of_measurement: "%" icon: "mdi:percent" Nov 11, 2018 · It would be great if ‘unit of measurement:’ is a currency the symbol would automatically be placed before the value. 1 Like stalkingturkey July 20, 2023, 6:48pm The problem Have a SNMP Sensor that provides values in °C, and my system is set for Imperial. In 2022. voltage, y2 = data[1]. Can anyone help I’m trying to use £ instead of $ in my configuration but has will not let me do that very new to The preferred way to configure an input number is via the user interface at Settings > Devices & Services > Helpers. 2166 for the excess of 425 and a charge fee of $4. Maybe this: unique_id: suma_volumenes_nasrene. For instance Nov 22, 2023 · Hi, I have my WaterFurnace HVAC system connected to my HA, and one sensor shows what mode the system is in (standby, heating, cooling, fan only, etc). clk_pin: D1. Jun 8, 2021 · Feature Requests. 62v or above should = 100% 1. yaml in the root directory of home assistant (the same folder as configuration. percentage; Mar 28, 2022 · So this is the figure you are looking for. In the unit_of_measurement attribute, I want to set the abbreviation value N/NNE/NE/ENE/E etc. disk_use_music') | float(0) / 1024) | round(2) }}" unit_of_measurement: "TB" However trying to summarize the four Jan 13, 2020 · If it is a linear mapping (which is hard to know without a datasheet) then you need to do it just via the maths which is easy enough. yaml. Without these units, i cant use the energy tab. The value’s are now on the overview and displayed in Wh (Watts/Hour) e. This should do the trick: configuration. You are going to need to filter your compensation sensor with a template sensor for that. Custom unit of measurement. Gas usage tracking (statistics just like the tracking of your energy) Water usage tracking. Create the customize. unit_of_measurement: L # do not change this to "litres". 0 unit_of_measurement: seconds mode: slider step: 1. template: - sensor: - name: "Tank Volume". Default tolerance in % = 5%. yaml and it works great. I’m using zwavejs2MQTT with a AEON labs multisensor 6. 00. Having four disks each with a disk free/used sensor need to be summarized in TB instead of GB Following sensor works standalone: - sensor: - name: Disk Used Storage state: "{{ (states('sensor. - platform: template. But one has unit_of_measurements: cm May 22, 2021 · Configuration. This atribute does not have a “_template”. 3 and add 100. Defaults to 2 meters. 5 W. vyska_hladiny_studna') | float * 100) / 420 | round(0 Dec 24, 2023 · MeasureIt launched! 🥳 After many years I decided to build a custom component that does exactly what I was missing: Measuring all kind of things I would like to know, based on what happens in Home Assistant. Maybe 100% percent is not treated as 100/100 but as like 100. Apr 13, 2017 · Hi I have a few sensors measuring the current power usage and the total consumption since last reset, What I would like to do is to multiply the value this template sensor is presenting with the cost of electricity, for examle 2kr (swedish currency) per kWh. Just because psutil can report fan speed, it doesn’t mean you have the hardware in place to monitor the fan speed. yaml, it should already be there by default unless you removed it. Oct 6, 2019 · the template is for determine if the ac is on, basically i have 3 modes: on, heat, cool Than i present the entity as button in order to determine if the ac is on or not. The snipped is what I use for HX711. rain_total is actually the sensor entity_id you need to change the unit of. Electrical power is measured in units of power Feb 15, 2022 · A sensor for heating and a sensor for cooling. 3. i get : The unit of sensor. The two sensor nodes do have the same sketch (except node_id) and are outputting their values in cm. self. It does not have any unit (more about that later). I would like a device class for sensors that are measuring volume and flow. 0 off_transition: name: Transition time description: Time in seconds of transition turning off default: 0 selector: number: min: 0. Is there any way to add another sensor taking the value from the below template sensor and multiplying it with a given number? (Of course The unit of measurement (kilometers or miles) depends on the system’s configuration settings. Mar 5, 2023 · tom_l September 11, 2023, 10:33am 8. Often these similarly named units are close enough for any ordinary, non-scientific, purpose. But there is no device class for “volumes”. water_temp_battery’ that displays the battery in volts. That would actually makes sense that simply “comma” is not in right place. The actual power consumption of the devices behind your UPS is then quite simply: load % * real power. Hello, I would like to ask you for help with rounding the value of the sensor, which has as a unit of percentage. Configuration. Apr 7, 2022 · Hi all! I have a DIY electric motorbike, which runs a custom BMS system. There are device classes for energy, voltage, etc. I’m struggling with one of my RFXTRX sensors - the owl electricity monitor is showing but I can’t seem to give it a UoM. Hi, On all my Shelly units the unit of measurement is wrong it shows kWh and the unit should be showing in W, when I change it in core. However, wind speed, barometric pressure, and precipitation show in metric units. yaml: - platform: mqtt name: "Freezer. Maybe it’s due to converting percentage to power. sensor: - platform: hx711. daily_yield and sensor. Feb 17, 2019 · In other words, you are instructing Home Assistant to handle received data as being in imperial units (where applicable). Aug 22, 2022 · Hello everyone: The TPMS sensor shows output in kPa, while I would like to have them shown in Psi as well: The same applies to other units - F/C, hPa/millibars, etc. CybDis (Stefan) May 11, 2023, 9:01am 22. The sensor config is as follows platform: mqtt name: ‘3Fazer - Voltage’ state_topic: ‘ev/3fazer’ unit_of_measurement: 'V I would like to convert this voltage to battery charge % if possible inside HA. unit_of_measurement should be m³. E. ) should be in Celsius (since it’s the norm for checking if there are thermal issues). Jan 27, 2022 · im reading out my smart meter with tasmota sending its data to HASS over mqtt. Helper-Room-Max-temp with add 5% = 22,05. I am templating the Yr-weather wind sensor using a arrow for displaying wind direction. Now, it shows correctly when I go to the “States” tab and check. unit_of_measurement: '%'. In Notepad, you can use File -> Save As…, then at the bottom you can pick UTF-8 for Encoding. Works perfect. Thanks for your answer, it appeared after restart of HA, and I’m not sure what I have changed . Screenshot from 2022-02-08 12-27-52 717×385 37. For example, the V_LEVEL type can be used for different sensor types, dust, sound, vibration etc. this answer does not seem to be valid anymore with 2023-05 they “assume” a numeric value and cast it to decimal, what causes an exception, what causes the sensor to dispaly “unknown”. timseebeck November 11, 2018, 11:30am 6 Mar 21, 2018 · Tomahawk March 21, 2018, 10:22am 1. An option for US system of measures (e. In HA, all sensors using power_factor class are expected to report percent which is not a right power factor measurement. So imperial does not automatically receive C temp and convert it to F temp? No. It defines what percentage I have May 30, 2021 · I made a small device that measures the distance between the sensor and the salt blocks of my water softener. is_metric: bool Jul 4, 2021 · On the mobile app, (how I primarily interact with home assistant) it doesn’t work. The shape must be rounded at the top and bottom. Add a device class DEVICE_CLASS_MONETARY, for measuring an amount of money/currency. This is to be used for representing a water meter, with the correct units of measurement. You can use a filter with lambda in esphome to use the map function. So with a load of 20% that would be: 20 / 100 * 472. Fails configuration check for unit_of_measurement. dev0 documentation. yaml file, but it just changed the unit in the display without converting the number. 1 Like. Click the add button and then choose the Number option. ) from the automatically created sensors sensor. Mar 11, 2024 · The speed of a fan should later be controlled, depending on the room temperature and any tolerance in percent. When I look in the tab States in the Developer Tools, I see my two mysensor nodes. And as petro suggested. To be able to add Helpers via the user interface you should have default_config: in your configuration. : solaredge (Energy this year) 7. x, HA converted this properly to °F. Feb 17, 2019 · You have to delete your history at this point or purge it and compress. What is the correct way: unit_of_measurement: W or unit_of_measurement: “W” And what would be the difference? Apr 4, 2019 · Units of measure in Home Assistant (unit_system) can be set to “imperial” or “metric”. I tried to add unit_of_measurement in the dashboard section: type: entities entities: - entity: sensor. If possible, we could use the MDI icons that matches the given unit of Nov 10, 2022 · Hi, My SolarEdge convertor is connected to HA. yaml file in your /config folder and add the following inside it: sensor. 2V 0% 95. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. 8 KB. room temp on the HA helper = 21°. I would like to convert this to a percentage using a template. I have the following sensor defined in configuration. {% set tb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 %} {% set v1_size = 8 * tb %} Apr 22, 2022 · I want to calculate the percentage of energy produced vs estimated energy production estimated by the solar forecast integration. Some sensor value types are not specific for a certain sensor type. here is the current configuration (that I am looking to change Apr 19, 2023 · I initially looked at using the Android Intent of BT_BATTERY_CHANGED but found that this is reporting as a whole the battery life of both ear buds and the case into a single percentage and wasn’t acurate. @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Change the title of the issue. Sep 28, 2022 · I think this problem is kind of already solved by the native_unit_of_measurement attribute of sensor entities. , CPU, hard drive, etc. To account for the daily change of the amount of daytime i thought a percentage would work to define picture elements for the different sun elevations I Feb 2, 2023 · Hi all, Is there a way to get the current metric system or temperature system configured in HA ? I see this dcoumentation but there no informations on temperature system used : homeassistant. Otherwise, “Pigs Flying” is a perfectly acceptable unit_of_measurement as far as HA is concerned. i have some coding skills but this seems to be a bit out of my league. 100% is 116. yaml). It keeps track of supported entities and different elements of the entity state. petro (Petro) May 11, 2023, 12 May 21, 2022 · To do this I used 3 sensors for each state. I don’t really know. Dec 16, 2023 · We calculated the precentage of the study in the first sensor. only problem is that up to 1KV, power is provided in watts and over 1KW, power is reported in kW. sensor. 5 ft Oct 11, 2018 · Steven_Rollason (Steven Rollason) October 11, 2018, 3:51pm 1. /config/configuration. 888586-07:00> (Offending May 20, 2023 · if it’s in percent then you need to convert back to actual used then use the above because I can’t think of a way to get the actual used out of the total by using just the percentages since they are different. The values are shown in homeassistant as normal but the units of measurement are missing. update_interval: 60s. I’ve read a few threads about this but haven’t found a solution yet. Thanks. I don’t think it’s possible change just the language of the “unit_of_measurement” setting the language, because the language is detected for the browser, but the “unit_of_measurement” is setting on the code side. 2V The battery drain is more or less Nov 1, 2021 · Hello, Been doing some templating in configuration. 6 Likes. Does anyone knows how I can get an percent value in Home Assistant. @home-assistant reopen Reopen the issue. multisensor_6_illuminance (lx) does not match the unit of already compiled Mar 23, 2020 · magik95 (Davide) March 24, 2020, 8:38am 4. I want to see this in Home Assistant, so in sensors. It pings the pack voltage via MQTT when charging to HA. , I use kate, both on Windows and Linux. Oct 26, 2018 · Configured my first template based sensor and included the unit of measure as “Fahrenheit”. Been looking for the guides but still I cannot figure out what goes wrong, will be a small thing for sure, but I cannot figure it out. Currently all units of measurement are displayed after the value, but currency symbols should be displayed before. Aug 24, 2021 · state_class: measurement last_reset: 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 source: sensor. E. IO depending on the selected Mar 10, 2023 · The thing was that there were no field “Unit of Measurement”. both sensor are sensor. Some examples of use cases: Measure the daily shower duration Measure the Jun 24, 2021 · My pull request Stop rounding history_stats sensor by amosyuen · Pull Request #97195 · home-assistant/core · GitHub just got merged which should stop rounding the sensor. DidierM (Didier Miller) August 12, 2021, 9:42am 1. zwave unit_of_measurement=%, friendly_name=front_door_battery @ 2019-04-04T07:19:55. The default precision is still 0. "area_id": null, Jun 1, 2023 · I’m able to set the unit of measurement for the entity from the UI and there is a conversion that takes place properly. In the second sensor we substracted 100%-the first sensor percentage. 6 x 6 x 3. you can’t confvert ‘67 ºC’ to a number because ºC is not a number. When you set unit_system: imperial, you are indicating Oct 13, 2022 · If you have only just added the unit_of_measurement, the graph will not update until the window of history gets rid of the old non-unit-ed records. Feb 6, 2023 · Feature request to add percentage to the HA Mopeka integration. I want to convert data from kW to W. By using V_UNIT_PREFIX, it’s possible to set a custom unit for any sensor. weihnachtsbeleuchtung_signal_strength (<class 'custom_components. io. Specification Max. It’s valid way to do it I think. The ESPHome integration for these sensors includes level-to-percentage conversions for 20, 30, and 40 lb vertical tanks: Aug 12, 2021 · Feature Requests. Copy the following code to the mqtt. Nov 15, 2018 · Simply to format currency as $15 instead of 15$. 7. Restarted HASS only to realize that it should be °F. Assuming that sensor. There seems to have been a breaking change. 2 Likes. I have checked out other posts regarding this but cant get any of the examples to work for me. 30v or below should = 0% I can get the template to show either 100% or 0% but May 26, 2023 · Currently the only supported unit of measurement is %, see below screenshot from the documentation. Ensure your mesh unit is connected to your MQTT broker and using JSON as an output. home_energy_meter unit_of_measurement: kkWhh friendly_name: New Energy Meter icon: mdi:chart-histogram device_class: energy I’m not sure what is causing this and as far as I can tell, the documentation I’m reading seems to align with my configuration. 4. I am suggesting that whenever any currency symbol is used it is automatically placed before the value. For short-term statistics a snapshot is taken every 5 minutes. Hellis81 (Hellis81) April 29, 2021, 4:12pm 4. g. If the state cannot be converted to a number, it will show up as a bar graph. In this example, I will create a template power meter sensor and use it with a Home Assistant integration called Riemann sum integral to create an energy sensor for a ceiling fan, so it can be tracked in the energy dashboard. Jun 27, 2022 · I literally can’t (as i made a typo and typed times(s) instead of time(s), i probably should have clicked FIX the first time around . yaml Also tried using the set state function All Feb 3, 2023 · Entity sensor. Apr 10, 2020 · Just reinstalled hassio after a break of 6 months - must admit it was so much easier this time round. sensor: !include sensors. ^^^That part is pushing values into the sensor when the fan is on and speed changes, and the {} is just retaining the current value. For future reference, the documentation indicates if an option can accept a template. Thank’s in advance. speed;'. Template sensor to divide the amount of time by the count to get the average. Since the discharge curve isn’t linear, I am wondering how a sensor formula could look like? Jul 30, 2021 · I have an OpenWrt router and HASS integrated with UPnP/IGD , The upnp integration collect network statistics from router such as bytes in/out and packets in/out. Nov 22, 2023 · Use a filter of some kind, or a template sensor. 0 and 1. PM25_interno_ogni_30_minuti is a rolling average over 30 minutes of a sensor that has a super wide variance, I read the average value every 30 minutes with the trigger and thus I have a more stable value, to use for automations. 1 and it now reporting °C What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? Oct 10, 2020 · Power factor is defined as the ratio of real power to apparent power. Measure It MeasureIt can measure all kind of things happening in Home Assistant based on time and templates. I. For sensor entities that have a device class that supports manually changing the unit, such as pressure, the native_unit_of_measurement represents the default unit that will be used if the user has not manually changed the unit in the Sep 8, 2022 · Shelly Wrong unit_of_measurement. bgbyjgahunxrwqjotxkh