My sister died and i married her husband reddit

My sister died and i married her husband reddit. This has been one of the hardest times in my life and made only worse by the worst man on planet earth. I was devastated. They blame me for breaking up my sister's marriage. widownet. He said he was going to a work trip but we later found out that all of that was just another one of his lies and he was actually on a cheating trip. Partner Loss. He was really nice, charming and mature. 2017: My father died and my brother and I received the life insurance money. My mother was the one who found her. Last month, she was diagnosed with leukemia. On most days, I forget he’s gone entirely. They’ve been divorced for 30ish years now. He was a widower of over two years and we met through mutual friends. I think i’m going to divorce my wife over her late husband. These past two weeks have been awful. She dated her ex for a long time before meeting her current husband. She was devastated. After Eloping with this Countesses daughter who died in childbirth, my character decided to Seduce her mother who is my Nemesis because I eloped with her daughter and succeeded with the seductions somehow. He had given her $1500 since November. I refer to her current husband as “my sister’s husband. Take care of your heart 💙. She's been in nearly every clinic in the Netherlands, and a few abroad too. I'm sorry for your loss. her husband works full time and she is a sahm. Alice and her husband Ben has fostered 5 children and have adopted 2 children with autism, and are great parents. Walks several times a week, occasional wine or beer, non smoking. He was my only parent, mom was never in mine or my sister's life. Her husband got past this and was even friends with your husband. Every morning when I first wake up I am reminded suddenly. I don’t want her to exist. A few weeks before the accident, I found out that he had a one night stand with a woman who he works with. (I was 31 years old at the time and didn’t live with them lol, I’m married with children of my own). On Friday night, she had a stroke and got catastrophic brain bleed. Apologies for that, but this is very hard for me and I have been carrying it for a lot of years. But the OOP: No because my parents said that if my sister was married they would have let me pick one of the rings like my grandmother said I could. At the time, he was a widower with two young daughters, Jane (25f) and Lisa (23f). Reply. She has been battling severe mental illness for the last 16 years. Literally. I think I'm in love with my dead husband's best friend. If you can’t do that, then let him grieve in peace. The innocent sister needs to know what scumbag she's married to and let into her life. I (29F) am planning my wedding for September of this year. My husband died just a couple of weeks ago. We had plans and dreams that we wanted to achieve together, we supported each other and I thought we were happy, until he killed himself. I know how it is, i had a companion as my personal scout, called Cidre the Wanderer, as a show of respect, after creating a kingdom, made her a vassal and married my brother to her, she then died in battle shortly after, rip. Pop Culture and Entertainment Reporter. When he died, I hadn't decided yet what was going to happen in our relationship. We were married for 6 years, together for 8. Her husband passed away about 2 years ago. Around 7 months later, I got to fly back home and see my family for my sisters wedding day. My mum wants me to marry my dead sister’s husband. He died, he’s gone for no fucking good My husband John 32m and I 30f got married 2 years ago. I (30F) met my husband (34M) when we were kids. He was also an abusive alchoholic cheater, who raped me. I know this might sound petty but I want her to die. A small backstory: She has not lived here in 10 years, as she originally left for college and never came back. It was a nice dinner. Age 20-33. My father and his sister died six months apart. It was really hard for her to cope with her sisters death and exercise and therapy really helped. Dad left money (inheritance) for me and sister and she used her inhertance to get new cars and renovate her house I live with my aunt right now cause my brother inlaw didn't let me stay with my sister. The sister is married and has 3 children. Recently my stepdaughter and her mom have been going through rough times. I just got married 5 months ago and my husband unexpectedly died…. The voices in her head would make her disassociate and harm herself. He had two kids from a past marriage who were in their early teens when he married me. Relationships with in-laws (parents, sisters-in-law, etc. Whether you were close to your sister or not, that's a major thing Even though her mom is still in the picture, I have never felt the need to compete. Over the course of the first lockdown I lost both my husband and my job. I would love yo hear from someone that this has happened to and how have others made you feel better about the situation ? The viewing and burial are on Sunday and Monday. That would be divided between my husband and his sister. We set a date and started counting down. For so long. I'm 33. I made a vow that my parents would never be alone Thanksgiving and Christmas. My sister died yesterday. . My mom and uncle didn’t want to be alone and they didn’t want to do the dating scene after 30 years married each so they hooked up. Sounds like your sister just wants to hurt you, and your husband is the means to an end. I feel selfish and like I am taking from her - she wanted to be a mother too after all. She was devastated, and had a hard time. Exactly what I wanted to say, beat me to it. Keep communication strictly about the children, and set firm boundaries for yourself. We have a 5 years old girl and a 3 years old boy. My only family is my mom, and some aunts/uncles/cousins on her side that I haven't seen in years. I absolutely love her husband and he’s been incredibly supportive during all of our grief. The toughest times are still to come. At the time, she was 7 months pregnant with a baby girl who they planned to name Rose. Four months ago, my sister (27f) passed away and left behind her children. My husband was unusually silent and didn’t initiate any talk with my sister. She had a husband and kids and the other twin didn't. Original post. My husband passed away 2 months ago and I feel relieved. Her late husband was pretty much her first everything, and they knew each Though I do not feel that it was her that did this - it was the depression. ~ My parents said that if my sister was married they would have honoured my grandmother's wishes. My husband of 7 years, Mark (32M), was there with me and up until one point, is was an amazing evening. Her bio dad didn't ask for visitation rights, and it appears he didn't even care in the first place, he just wanted my step sister for no reason other than to further upset me. It’s the end of summer and also the month I met my fiancé. Her mom had another child with her new husband, at one point my stepdaughter and her mom had such a bad fight that her mom attempted to end parental rights. She died of a fast moving cancer. This was going on until my mother eventually got tired of it and yelled at my sister to shut up or get out because her attitude was ruining the event. My husband was a late baby and a second marriage - second childhood type thing. They did not have much contact so there is only a letter from 1997 with Name and Adress, thats all i have. He died for no fucking reason, there is no “greater plan” and no god isn’t watching over me. My husband died and I want to tell everyone about him. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I didn't call my sister when her husband died. I'm not over him, I never will be. If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be. Not technically a heart attack, no clot, just like an electrical malfunction in her heart. I’ve (31F) been with my husband (29M) for 8 years, married 3. This turned into my sister yelling at both me and my mom about how I ruined her life. I am her "Miss Poly". She said something happened, something like a trauma bonding that made them seek comfort in each other. It must have been so horrible for her to walk in to find her daughter that way. It was cancer. Even if my sister dies, it's like they've been gathering up reasons to hate me for years. After the divorce was settled we moved my mother out from our H hometown and went completely no contact with my father and his As for my parents; when I spoke with them they confirmed my exact thoughts. And when I move on with my life, her family money would go to total strangers. And he barely looked at her. I found out because her husband used her snapchat to tell me to call him. I want to cut all connections with her. My Mother died at the age of 85 last week. Both our families know about all this, mine helps me through the trauma Because my step sister had no biological family other than her shit-head dad, I was given custody on a silver platter, according to my lawyer. For most of my life my sister Alice has been wanting kids but has been unable to carry a baby to full term, in part due to endometriosis. I’m 41. I told my husband when our relationship was serious. The lowest of the low. The change in your social and/or family relationship is secondary because Mar 8, 2016 · Recently, a woman by the name of Rachel turned to Reddit hoping to get some advice because she has fallen for her deaceased sister’s husband, Brian. He made me feel loved and special. ) can be tricky and, at times, downright complex and stressful. My friend just died and now her husband keeps trying to hit on me. And slapped my sister across the face and left. We didn’t have any major issues. To make the math work she claimed my husband's half siblings as her foster kids, even though she raised them to adulthood. A few weeks ago, we had an elderly woman that was DOA, in the ED. I’m not gonna say any specific age on this as she might come across this post since I’ll state some examples as The husband, "Max", and I worked together 8 years ago, and I thought he and my sister "Mary" would hit it off, so I introduced them. It amounts to a couple of million dollars. On the advice of my therapist, I’ve written it all out to try to work out my feelings on it. Her daughter worked-on-her (CPR, etc. My sister (36 years old) just died of cervical cancer 2 weeks ago today. Out of all her jewelry I would have only gotten one ring and the rest would go to my sister. She was in a lot of pain and had to have a hysterectomy. You got the news, made travel plans, travelled, went to a funeral, came home, and at no time told your spouse that a member of your immediate family passed away. My wife's best friends from HS were a set of twins and one died a few years ago from cancer at like 30 years old. The thing is I don't believe she was the first one. I hope my sister dies next year. ADMIN MOD. Honestly the only reason you “hated” her was because she was his ex. I feel like getting this off my chest elsewhere that isn’t the therapists office. Me and my sister were always close and we always dreamt of getting married so our weddings were big deals to us. Someone please fucking help me escape this madness, I am beyond appalled, disgusted and just fucking shocked. He passed away in an accident in April. I (f30) caught my sister (f40) cheating on her husband (m49) with a guy (m40). She was in pain. I also vowed to never upset my parents again. I just want to let you know that your aren’t alone. Her late husband passed away 12 years ago. At my wedding my husband's parents made a beautiful speech that brought me and my husband to tears. Onto the issue: In 2017 Sarah got married, my dad was absolutely thrilled about her wedding, he gave Sarah a blank check for her ''dream wedding'' (to be fair he did this to all of us, he really like weddings) but in Sarah case he was really excited because she is his only daughter and i always remembered him talking about walking her down the I gave my husband an ultimatum and he took it. She was only 19. My sister was was with her husband for 5 years, married for 3, no children. I just found out that my friend passed away yesterday. Since then, she’s been very gloomy, and her My husband and I were together since we were children, got married when we were 18 and we were approaching our 20th wedding anniversary when he passed. Married after six months dating and have enjoyed life together since. Rose also passed in the accident. My MIL always claimed she was much younger than she was but she had kids from a previous marriage. I (33F) met my ex-husband, Dan (40F) almost 15 years ago at a restaurant when I was celebrating my 18th birthday. I confronted her over Facebook and she said he told her he was single. We had a dinner with my sister and her fiancé. My husband died in May. My mother has never supported me and was indifferent to the proposal which I had no problem with. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I don’t ADMIN MOD. He was 42. Your just jealous and petty. My husband died this weekend and I discovered he had a sugar baby. And if you ever are looking for peer-based grief support, I know of several virtual grief support groups that are free and inclusive to anyone grieving a death. My sister was married for 13 years. We had separate checking accounts, which is how we both liked it. I didn’t tell you enough, but I loved you If you were a good partner, you’d support him during this time, and go with him. My sister's husband had a successful career and made good money, but shortly after their marriage he was diagnosed with Truly scary. No kids, no pets. I am the older sister and I should have gone first. My soulmates mother who hates me is now my wife lol Mother remarried months after father died. Always tasked to protect both my sisters and to “man up”, and “man don’t Sunday and Monday will be awful. It is typically labeled as a “secondary loss,” meaning the death is the primary loss. It still feels so surreal. Yep. Now she wants me to sign off my husband’s inheritance to her children because I’m basically not family anymore. For context I 38 female got engaged to my now husband last June. I’m F 43, my sister 41, have always been close and I regard her as my best friend. Not a single minute of the day goes by where my heart doesn’t ache. My sister died. ruby_eyele. I was devastated when I I found out he was dead, I loved him, I still love him but now I start to feel relief that he isn't in our life anymore. We’ve known each other for 20 years, and been married for 15. My first wife and I were married for 16 years and we had 5 children when she died of ovarian cancer at the age of 42. Moosestacheio. In February of this year, Mia got married to a boy she’s been with for about 6 years. I’m the middle, and the only man. We were deeply in love and we had been for over a decade. In the above link, when I posted originally, I asked for advice on if I should tell my brother in law that my sister has been cheating on him for 3 yrs. He passed away in a car accident in May. As for my parents; when I spoke with them they confirmed my exact thoughts. But how you could not tell your wife something as important as "my sister died". My MIL had a “lethal coronary event” a few months ago also very randomly. She’s been married to her current husband for well over 25. She and her husband beat each other up for two years, in front of their toddler. About eight months later a close friend asked if I ever thought about remarrying. Our relationship was just challenged after having kids. My sister did not have any propery. No need to go through all the get to know each other stage or any of the other bs. My husband died and I’m so angry right now. People keep asking me if I’m sad. They've been together 6 years, married 3 of those, and they have a little girl who is 2, "Maggie", my niece who I adore. Yes my sister is dead, No the grief didn’t hit me yet, my husband isn’t the only one that broke my heart and trust, my sister did too. Me and my husband were so excited to go to said wedding and we were so happy for them. My husband I were together for 7 years before we got married. Me (30F) and my husband got married when we were 25 after 6 years. Her only example was that I married her ex-boyfriend in which I (F55) had been married to my husband (M60) for 20 years before he died. She and her husband had two young children together, ages 3 and 4, and my mom’s other minor child from a previous relationship, who was 14. I regret not making my marriage work and now my ex husband is happily remarried. I was with my husband for over 7 years and had a child together. We dated for almost a year and got married. Soft YTA because you lost a sister. Me, my sister, him and his sister never spent a minute without each other from when 3 days ago · In January of 2022 my mom passed away from cancer. She died at 36 by suicide, with no husband (and no ex husband) and no children. Five years ago a drunk driver killed my wife. Three weeks ago my husband died in a car accident halfway across the country. This was her 8th attempt and she was successful. Maybe I was supposed to call her and apologize for going through his family to arrange a visit, and not sending her condolences. I of course, asked her how did I ruin her life. We didn't have anymore kids. A little over a week ago my sister died in a motorcycle accident. My older sister was, well, the first kid my parents had. He is the love of my life and my world is upside down. AITA for resenting my dead sister all my life. ThrowRa5113. We grew apart, we talked maybe once a year, and I haven’t seen her physically in 4 years. It wasn’t a surprise. So much pain. I (50f) married my husband Frank (52m) about 15 years ago. She’s also been my best friend since the day I was born because she was two years older than me. Very quick by some standards but just right for us. My (30F) parents got divorced 6 years ago After we found out that my father was cheating on her. We are still very happily married. The program serves all ages. We met during grief recovery on www. She sat with me yesterday and recalled the events after her sister's death. My sister barely survived but pulled through. So I did. They have been together for 15 years and they still look so much in love, the way they treat each other. She moved her child across the country to do so, when he was 8. Aug 15, 2013 · Dear Prudence, I am a widower in my mid-30s. When he died I had a restraining order because he threatened to kill me and our child if I left him. I’m John’s second wife, his first wife Isabel died 9 years ago in a car accident driving to an appointment. She told me that she and her sister's husband became close months after her sister's death. I tried to treat my step children as my own but they never accepted me. I want my husband to fall in love with my sister - 25th July 2023. My sister got married about a week after her 18th birthday to a man 12 years older than her. My husband's sister already had 3 sons (10M, 8M, 3M) and agreed to be our surrogate for a very fair monetary compensation. On one hand I feel a lot of resentment and anger because of him cheating and her not caring to even use any protection, but on the other hand, I see it as a chance for a way to bring me and my husband closer 8 months ago, my sister (28F) moved back into town. They found your idea of the letters incredibly beautiful but told me to also talk to my husbands parents. We endured our grief together and were married 1/20/2001. Neither of us have siblings. Every monday, she'd call my mom at 9am to get her to go over to her house and watch her stepkid for few hours, I live at home with my parents and so I've noticed this routine for weeks now. 8 months ago, my sister moved back into town. She wasn’t some random woman that didn’t know he was a married man, she was my blood sibling that attended our wedding, slept with him the day before my wedding, and continued to do so. About 3 years ago, my sister and her husband lost their three young children in a really bad car accident. She had a designer wardrobe, €30,000 in her bank, and life insurance. I'm happy my husband died. Hi, a the title says, I want them to fall in love. After the ceremony, Anne wanted a picture with all of our siblings (there’s five of us) and their respective partners so we started lining up. She had a car which my sibling is going to use from now on since she doesn't have one. I’ve got no one I can tell this too yet, and I need to get it off my chest. I googled but could not find valid info. She began crying The older sister’s actions were definitely significantly worse, and the family absolutely sucks for apparently being fine with the older sister breaking up her sister’s marriage by getting pregnant by the husband and then cutting off OOP for doing the “same thing” while still married to the husband. She talked about her niece and nephew and their dad. tl;dr: My sister (age 70, older than me) from my dysfunctional family cacked and I couldn't care less. I have never broken that vow. His immediate family is all gone. ” AITA for refusing to take my half-sister in after her parents died. They had dreamed of a big wedding together and so they worked very hard to make it possible. 2) It may make me the ah, because she said it did. UnsureandUnvalidated. 2016 was a horrible year. My will to do anything is gone. If people want to find reasons not to like somebody, they'll find them. After a long, abusive marriage and several years of healing (most of which was done with the help of my now husband), I was finally going get married and live happily ever after with him. You can and do deserve so much better. I can’t eat hardly anything. This change in your relationship is also considered a loss. Her husband was honestly a good dude. She wasn’t grieving, she was losing her mind. Couple days ago, my ex BIL called me, told me my sister had died. She was killed by her depression, and possibly the meds that were meant to help her anxiety and depression go away. My sister and husbands love just hadn't had the chance to bloom yet. She had a lot of problems and one day, all of her issues got together and just hammered her system until she passed. I feel like a horrible person, that I wasn't mourning her death enough since I had sex and made a baby. My f/21 sister Jess, f/30, is married and has a 5 yo stepson. She was absolutely torn. Being home was unbearable. I’ve been with my husband for 8 years, married 3. I personally went into therapy just because of how much it hurt to see my sister that torn apart. I have no advice for you, as I'm still going through the tidal waves of adjusting to this new "normal". Ok_Bat_4051. For the first couple of years I was in a sad, isolated, and withdrawn state. I have been married to my wife for 5 years, dating for 4. Whether you were close to your sister or not, that's a major thing Background: I was married on June 30th of 2018. At the time she was married. We first met my senior year of college. Your husband and sister are gutter trash. And well, she’s pretty sure that Brian Apr 28, 2023 · By Sophie Lloyd. My (31M) sister Anne (34F) got married on Saturday. scarwarz. I never had issues with her until my wedding a month ago when my maid of honor overheard her snapping at another friend of theirs that “She has him when she wants him” when the friend teased A few weeks after, my sister’s long time boyfriend asked her to marry him. Unfortunately my sister didn't go peacefully, there was a lot of blood and screaming involved, and me begging her to just "go", so she didn't My wife died in April 24, 2000, my current wife's husband died in May 12, 2000. ) for the entire 45 min. My husband died about 5 months ago. My sister died and I don't really care. I made the long drive and told my husband I was paying my niece a visit. We used to live in the same street and our parents were very close. I had a 7 year old from an earlier relationship as well. My sister was 42 years old and died today. People are going to do the math and know I conceived shortly after her death (a few weeks). My sister just recently passed away as well at a young age. When I was in my early 30s I divorced my husband. One thing I've never moved past is that the day after our oldest sister died, younger sister moved in with the widowed husband. She had a 2 year older Sister that married a US Soldier and went with him from Germany to Texas. Context: My sister (F27) and I (18F) lost our dad a year ago. Not the A-hole. 1. It should have been my happiest. Would I be the ah if I texted my husband’s best friend (female) to see her reaction? My husband has this best friend from college time. My sister, Cat (33F), was supposed to get married five years ago, but her partner died in a motorcycle accident. Okay, fair warning, this one is long as hell. We had been estranged for most of the past 30 years, and were estranged at the end of her life. Out of the affair, they had a daughter, Annie (7F). My mom is destroyed and her journals made it clear she knew we would mourn her, but the pain was too much. In the end no clinic would take her on as she was 'too troubled' for them to work with. I want to tell you all about him. Sharing her story with Reddit 's Am I mood spoilers: bittersweet. I said yeah of course! PizzassyPizza. I woke up in the middle of the night (4am) to the sounds of my husband and my sister screwing on my basement couch. I was a SAHM and I expected him to do more of the housework and childcare when he worked full time 2011: My sister married John 2013: My sister died in an accident 2013 (later): My father removed my sister as a beneficiary in his life insurance policy to make sure only me and my brother (his two remaining children) are listed 2015: John remarried 2016: John died. ride to the facility. It’s the first time I was ever really super far away from my family and it bothered me really badly. I went down, interrupted them. My sister is too happy to notice anything with her engagement and trip tomorrow. Unfortunately, due to complications she ended up passing away on the same day our beautiful boy was born. Anyway, my sister’s first husband? I don’t remember a time when he wasn’t around. She’s in her 50s and is a healthy individual. Before she went however my husband hugged her, longer than usual. Before their relationship he was in a relationship with (but never married to) another woman - my sister does not know much about their relationship. I still refer to her ex-husband as my BIL. Her husband, daughter and son-in-law were in the ED waiting/grieving room. We traveled until I married (now I am an only child). My 23 y/o sister just lost her husband unexpected and left behind a 7 month old baby. They had two daughters who were 8 and 6 and a 3 year old son. Oh wow, the minute she tells you that, you become guilty by association by not letting the other sister know. Redditors who married the sister/brother of an ex, is it weird having your ex as a SIL/BIL and how does your SO feel about the fact that you once dated their sibling? When I told my husband she was pregnant, he told me that he wanted her to have an abortion, and she agreed, but I don’t know what to do. Although it’s been just over five months, it’s still hard to digest. No, I’m fucking angry, he was 25 and he died in a low risk surgery that he underwent for me. I was happy she did it. org. Fark the cheater. My sister (27f) was engaged to her fiancé (29m) for about a year. I live 2 and half hour away from the hospital -- I didn't know how bad it was when her husband told us to come to the hospital. After telling me about what happened, and me crying, he starts asking if we can be friends. I got super bad depression and became really homesick. Hi if anyone can help, I’d really appreciate it. She’s the worst human being ever to exist in terms of how filthy she is. I was shocked because my sister and her husband are the epitome for love that never dies. I’m finally going to seek mental help for the first time in my life. AITA for not allowing my late husband's affair partner come to his funeral? Not the A-hole. I shake when i’m in our apartment, I can’t help but cry constantly or just bite my cheeks so I don’t. They were extremely happy. After murdering her husband I married her. A woman refusing to raise her late ex-husband's affair child is being supported online. I stood by and allowed my wife to almost kill our son. Oh no, that was not their fault at all. So D-DAY for me was 31 days after my wedding. My ex-husband who cheated on me with my sister emailed me after 6 years. My little sister that died by suicide this week was always the most cherished. I was always a mess. lt bf el dm sc uh mp xo wp kl